mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 01:56:23 +01:00

Previously, the stm32 monotonics only compiled for some chip families. For example, stm32g081kb worked, but not stm32f407*. The stm32-metapac does not directly unify peripheral names between the many stm32 families, but provides tools for build scripts to generate code that uses the right names for the selected chip. Use that mechanism instead of targeting a specific family.
180 lines
5.6 KiB
180 lines
5.6 KiB
fn main() {
#[cfg(feature = "stm32-metapac")]
#[cfg(feature = "stm32-metapac")]
fn stm32() {
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::{env, fs};
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::{format_ident, quote};
use stm32_metapac::metadata::METADATA;
let chip_name = match env::vars()
.map(|(a, _)| a)
.filter(|x| {
&& !x.starts_with("CARGO_FEATURE_STM32_TIM")
&& x.starts_with("CARGO_FEATURE_STM32")
Ok(x) => x,
Err(GetOneError::None) => panic!("No stm32xx Cargo feature enabled"),
Err(GetOneError::Multiple) => panic!("Multiple stm32xx Cargo features enabled"),
// Allows to just use #[cfg(stm32)] if one of the stm32 chips is used.
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if let Some(r) = &p.registers {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", r.kind);
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}_{}", r.kind, r.version);
// ========
// Generate singletons
let mut singletons: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if !p.name.contains("TIM") {
if let Some(r) = &p.registers {
match r.kind {
// Generate singletons per pin, not per port
"gpio" => {
println!("{}", p.name);
let port_letter = p.name.strip_prefix("GPIO").unwrap();
for pin_num in 0..16 {
singletons.push(format!("P{}{}", port_letter, pin_num));
// No singleton for these, the HAL handles them specially.
"exti" => {}
// We *shouldn't* have singletons for these, but the HAL currently requires
// singletons, for using with RccPeripheral to enable/disable clocks to them.
"rcc" => {
if r.version.starts_with("h5")
|| r.version.starts_with("h7")
|| r.version.starts_with("f4")
if r.version.starts_with("l4") {
//"dbgmcu" => {}
//"syscfg" => {}
//"dma" => {}
//"bdma" => {}
//"dmamux" => {}
// For other peripherals, one singleton per peri
_ => singletons.push(p.name.to_string()),
let mut g = TokenStream::new();
// ========
// Generate RccPeripheral impls
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if !singletons.contains(&p.name.to_string()) {
if let Some(rcc) = &p.rcc {
let en = rcc.enable.as_ref().unwrap();
let rst = match &rcc.reset {
Some(rst) => {
let rst_reg = format_ident!("{}", rst.register.to_ascii_lowercase());
let set_rst_field = format_ident!("set_{}", rst.field.to_ascii_lowercase());
quote! {
stm32_metapac::RCC.#rst_reg().modify(|w| w.#set_rst_field(true));
stm32_metapac::RCC.#rst_reg().modify(|w| w.#set_rst_field(false));
None => TokenStream::new(),
let after_enable = if chip_name.starts_with("stm32f2") {
// Errata: ES0005 - 2.1.11 Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling
quote! {
} else {
let pname = format_ident!("{}", p.name);
let en_reg = format_ident!("{}", en.register.to_ascii_lowercase());
let set_en_field = format_ident!("set_{}", en.field.to_ascii_lowercase());
g.extend(quote! {
pub mod #pname {
pub fn enable() {
stm32_metapac::RCC.#en_reg().modify(|w| w.#set_en_field(true));
pub fn reset() {
// ========
// Generate NVIC impl
let prio_bits = METADATA.nvic_priority_bits;
g.extend(quote! {
pub const NVIC_PRIO_BITS: u8 = #prio_bits;
// ========
// Write generated.rs
let out_dir = &PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
let out_file = out_dir.join("_generated.rs").to_string_lossy().to_string();
fs::write(out_file, g.to_string()).unwrap();
enum GetOneError {
trait IteratorExt: Iterator {
fn get_one(self) -> Result<Self::Item, GetOneError>;
impl<T: Iterator> IteratorExt for T {
fn get_one(mut self) -> Result<Self::Item, GetOneError> {
match self.next() {
None => Err(GetOneError::None),
Some(res) => match self.next() {
Some(_) => Err(GetOneError::Multiple),
None => Ok(res),