Message passing & capacity

Software tasks support message passing, this means that software tasks can be spawned with an argument: foo::spawn(1) which will run the task foo with the argument 1.

Capacity sets the size of the spawn queue for the task, if not specified capacity defaults to 1.

In the example below, the capacity of task foo is 3, allowing three simultaneous pending spawns of foo. Exceeding this capacity is an Error.

The number of arguments to a task is not limited:

fn main() {
//! examples/


use panic_semihosting as _;

#[rtic::app(device = lm3s6965, dispatchers = [SSI0])]
mod app {
    use cortex_m_semihosting::{debug, hprintln};

    struct Shared {}

    struct Local {}

    fn init(_: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local, init::Monotonics) {
        foo::spawn(1, 1).unwrap();
        foo::spawn(1, 2).unwrap();
        foo::spawn(2, 3).unwrap();
        assert!(foo::spawn(1, 4).is_err()); // The capacity of `foo` is reached

        (Shared {}, Local {}, init::Monotonics())

    #[task(capacity = 3)]
    fn foo(_c: foo::Context, x: i32, y: u32) {
        hprintln!("foo {}, {}", x, y);
        if x == 2 {
            debug::exit(debug::EXIT_SUCCESS); // Exit QEMU simulator
$ cargo run --target thumbv7m-none-eabi --example message_passing
foo 1, 1
foo 1, 2
foo 2, 3