2023-04-28 18:55:41 +02:00
syntax = "proto3";
2023-04-28 22:48:48 +02:00
package eu.zettoit.themis;
2023-04-28 18:55:41 +02:00
service RelationService {
rpc Create(Relation) returns (Empty);
rpc Delete(Relation) returns (Empty);
rpc Exists(Relation) returns (ExistsResponse);
service QueryService {
// check if one object or objectset is related to another by a relation
rpc IsRelatedTo(Relation) returns (IsRelatedToResponse);
// get all objects that are related to one object by a relation
rpc GetRelatedTo(Set) returns (GetRelatedToResponse);
// get all objects that the given object has a relation with
rpc GetRelations(GetRelationsRequest) returns (GetRelationsResponse);
message ExistsResponse {
bool exists = 1;
message IsRelatedToResponse{
bool related = 1;
message GetRelatedToResponse{
repeated Object objects = 1;
message GetRelationsRequest{
Object object = 1;
string relation = 2;
message GetRelationsResponse{
repeated Object objects = 1;
message Object{
string namespace = 1;
string id = 2;
message Set{
string namespace = 1;
string id = 2;
string relation = 3;
message ObjectOrSet {
oneof object_or_set{
Object object = 1;
Set set = 2;
message Relation{
oneof src{
Object src_obj = 1;
Set src_set = 2;
Object dst = 3;
string relation = 4;
message Empty{}