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synced 2025-02-03 06:58:38 +01:00
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searchState.loadedDescShard("nrf52840_pac", 5, "PTR (rw) register accessor: an alias for <code>Reg<PTR_SPEC></code>\nRegister block\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nNumber of samples to allocate memory for in EasyDMA mode\n0x04 - Number of samples to allocate memory for in EasyDMA …\nRAM address pointer to write samples to with EasyDMA\n0x00 - RAM address pointer to write samples to with EasyDMA\nField <code>BUFFSIZE</code> reader - Length of DMA RAM allocation in …\nField <code>BUFFSIZE</code> writer - Length of DMA RAM allocation in …\nNumber of samples to allocate memory for in EasyDMA mode\nRegister <code>MAXCNT</code> reader\nRegister <code>MAXCNT</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:14 - Length of DMA RAM allocation in number of …\nBits 0:14 - Length of DMA RAM allocation in number of …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nRAM address pointer to write samples to with EasyDMA\nRegister <code>PTR</code> reader\nField <code>SAMPLEPTR</code> reader - Address to write PDM samples to …\nField <code>SAMPLEPTR</code> writer - Address to write PDM samples to …\nRegister <code>PTR</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nBits 0:31 - Address to write PDM samples to over DMA\nBits 0:31 - Address to write PDM samples to over DMA\nStarts continuous PDM transfer\nField <code>TASKS_START</code> writer -\nRegister <code>TASKS_START</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nBit 0\nStops PDM transfer\nField <code>TASKS_STOP</code> writer -\nRegister <code>TASKS_STOP</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nBit 0\nDCDCEN (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nDCDCEN0 (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nEVENTS_POFWARN (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nEVENTS_SLEEPENTER (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nEVENTS_SLEEPEXIT (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nEVENTS_USBDETECTED (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nEVENTS_USBPWRRDY (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nEVENTS_USBREMOVED (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nGPREGRET (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nGPREGRET2 (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nINTENCLR (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nINTENSET (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nMAINREGSTATUS (r) register accessor: an alias for …\nPOFCON (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nUnspecified\nRAMSTATUS (r) register accessor: an alias for …\nRESETREAS (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nRegister block\nSYSTEMOFF (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_CONSTLAT (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nTASKS_LOWPWR (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nUSBREGSTATUS (r) register accessor: an alias for …\nEnable DC/DC converter for REG1 stage.\n0x578 - Enable DC/DC converter for REG1 stage.\nEnable DC/DC converter for REG0 stage.\n0x580 - Enable DC/DC converter for REG0 stage.\nPower failure warning\n0x108 - Power failure warning\nCPU entered WFI/WFE sleep\n0x114 - CPU entered WFI/WFE sleep\nCPU exited WFI/WFE sleep\n0x118 - CPU exited WFI/WFE sleep\nVoltage supply detected on VBUS\n0x11c - Voltage supply detected on VBUS\nUSB 3.3 V supply ready\n0x124 - USB 3.3 V supply ready\nVoltage supply removed from VBUS\n0x120 - Voltage supply removed from VBUS\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nGeneral purpose retention register\n0x51c - General purpose retention register\nGeneral purpose retention register\n0x520 - General purpose retention register\nDisable interrupt\n0x308 - Disable interrupt\nEnable interrupt\n0x304 - Enable interrupt\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nMain supply status\n0x640 - Main supply status\nPower-fail comparator configuration\n0x510 - Power-fail comparator configuration\nCluster Unspecified\n0x900..0x90c - Unspecified\n0x910..0x91c - Unspecified\n0x920..0x92c - Unspecified\n0x930..0x93c - Unspecified\n0x940..0x94c - Unspecified\n0x950..0x95c - Unspecified\n0x960..0x96c - Unspecified\n0x970..0x97c - Unspecified\n0x980..0x98c - Unspecified\nDeprecated register - RAM status register\n0x428 - Deprecated register - RAM status register\nReset reason\n0x400 - Reset reason\nSystem OFF register\n0x500 - System OFF register\nEnable constant latency mode\n0x78 - Enable constant latency mode\nEnable low power mode (variable latency)\n0x7c - Enable low power mode (variable latency)\nUSB supply status\n0x438 - USB supply status\nEnable DC/DC converter for REG1 stage.\nField <code>DCDCEN</code> reader - Enable DC/DC converter for REG1 …\nEnable DC/DC converter for REG1 stage.\nField <code>DCDCEN</code> writer - Enable DC/DC converter for REG1 …\n0: Disable\n1: Enable\nRegister <code>DCDCEN</code> reader\nRegister <code>DCDCEN</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0 - Enable DC/DC converter for REG1 stage.\nBit 0 - Enable DC/DC converter for REG1 stage.\nDisable\nEnable\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nGet enumerated values variant\nEnable DC/DC converter for REG0 stage.\nEnable DC/DC converter for REG0 stage.\nField <code>DCDCEN</code> reader - Enable DC/DC converter for REG0 …\nField <code>DCDCEN</code> writer - Enable DC/DC converter for REG0 …\n0: Disable\n1: Enable\nRegister <code>DCDCEN0</code> reader\nRegister <code>DCDCEN0</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0 - Enable DC/DC converter for REG0 stage.\nBit 0 - Enable DC/DC converter for REG0 stage.\nDisable\nEnable\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nGet enumerated values variant\nField <code>EVENTS_POFWARN</code> reader -\nPower failure warning\nField <code>EVENTS_POFWARN</code> writer -\nRegister <code>EVENTS_POFWARN</code> reader\nRegister <code>EVENTS_POFWARN</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nField <code>EVENTS_SLEEPENTER</code> reader -\nCPU entered WFI/WFE sleep\nField <code>EVENTS_SLEEPENTER</code> writer -\nRegister <code>EVENTS_SLEEPENTER</code> reader\nRegister <code>EVENTS_SLEEPENTER</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nField <code>EVENTS_SLEEPEXIT</code> reader -\nCPU exited WFI/WFE sleep\nField <code>EVENTS_SLEEPEXIT</code> writer -\nRegister <code>EVENTS_SLEEPEXIT</code> reader\nRegister <code>EVENTS_SLEEPEXIT</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nField <code>EVENTS_USBDETECTED</code> reader -\nVoltage supply detected on VBUS\nField <code>EVENTS_USBDETECTED</code> writer -\nRegister <code>EVENTS_USBDETECTED</code> reader\nRegister <code>EVENTS_USBDETECTED</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nField <code>EVENTS_USBPWRRDY</code> reader -\nUSB 3.3 V supply ready\nField <code>EVENTS_USBPWRRDY</code> writer -\nRegister <code>EVENTS_USBPWRRDY</code> reader\nRegister <code>EVENTS_USBPWRRDY</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nField <code>EVENTS_USBREMOVED</code> reader -\nVoltage supply removed from VBUS\nField <code>EVENTS_USBREMOVED</code> writer -\nRegister <code>EVENTS_USBREMOVED</code> reader\nRegister <code>EVENTS_USBREMOVED</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0\nBit 0\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nField <code>GPREGRET</code> reader - General purpose retention register\nGeneral purpose retention register\nField <code>GPREGRET</code> writer - General purpose retention register\nRegister <code>GPREGRET</code> reader\nRegister <code>GPREGRET</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:7 - General purpose retention register\nBits 0:7 - General purpose retention register\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nGeneral purpose retention register\nField <code>GPREGRET</code> reader - General purpose retention register\nField <code>GPREGRET</code> writer - General purpose retention register\nRegister <code>GPREGRET2</code> reader\nRegister <code>GPREGRET2</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nBits 0:7 - General purpose retention register\nBits 0:7 - General purpose retention register\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n1: Disable\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\nDisable interrupt\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for POFWARN event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for POFWARN event\nField <code>POFWARN</code> reader - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nField <code>POFWARN</code> writer - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt …\nRegister <code>INTENCLR</code> reader\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for SLEEPENTER event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for SLEEPENTER event\nField <code>SLEEPENTER</code> reader - Write ‘1’ to disable …\nField <code>SLEEPENTER</code> writer - Write ‘1’ to disable …\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for SLEEPEXIT event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for SLEEPEXIT event\nField <code>SLEEPEXIT</code> reader - Write ‘1’ to disable …\nField <code>SLEEPEXIT</code> writer - Write ‘1’ to disable …\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for USBDETECTED event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for USBDETECTED event\nField <code>USBDETECTED</code> reader - Write ‘1’ to disable …\nField <code>USBDETECTED</code> writer - Write ‘1’ to disable …\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for USBPWRRDY event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for USBPWRRDY event\nField <code>USBPWRRDY</code> reader - Write ‘1’ to disable …\nField <code>USBPWRRDY</code> writer - Write ‘1’ to disable …\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for USBREMOVED event\nWrite ‘1’ to disable interrupt for USBREMOVED event\nField <code>USBREMOVED</code> reader - Write ‘1’ to disable …\nField <code>USBREMOVED</code> writer - Write ‘1’ to disable …\nRegister <code>INTENCLR</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nDisable\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nBit 2 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for POFWARN …\nBit 2 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for POFWARN …\nBit 5 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for SLEEPENTER …\nBit 5 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for SLEEPENTER …\nBit 6 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for SLEEPEXIT …\nBit 6 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for SLEEPEXIT …\nBit 7 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for USBDETECTED …\nBit 7 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for USBDETECTED …\nBit 9 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for USBPWRRDY …\nBit 9 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for USBPWRRDY …\nBit 8 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for USBREMOVED …\nBit 8 - Write ‘1’ to disable interrupt for USBREMOVED …\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n0: Read: Disabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\n1: Read: Enabled\nEnable interrupt\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for POFWARN event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for POFWARN event\nField <code>POFWARN</code> reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField <code>POFWARN</code> writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nRegister <code>INTENSET</code> reader\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\n1: Enable\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for SLEEPENTER event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for SLEEPENTER event\nField <code>SLEEPENTER</code> reader - Write ‘1’ to enable …\nField <code>SLEEPENTER</code> writer - Write ‘1’ to enable …\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for SLEEPEXIT event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for SLEEPEXIT event\nField <code>SLEEPEXIT</code> reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField <code>SLEEPEXIT</code> writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for USBDETECTED event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for USBDETECTED event\nField <code>USBDETECTED</code> reader - Write ‘1’ to enable …\nField <code>USBDETECTED</code> writer - Write ‘1’ to enable …\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for USBPWRRDY event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for USBPWRRDY event\nField <code>USBPWRRDY</code> reader - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nField <code>USBPWRRDY</code> writer - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt …\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for USBREMOVED event\nWrite ‘1’ to enable interrupt for USBREMOVED event\nField <code>USBREMOVED</code> reader - Write ‘1’ to enable …\nField <code>USBREMOVED</code> writer - Write ‘1’ to enable …\nRegister <code>INTENSET</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nBit 2 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for POFWARN event\nBit 2 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for POFWARN event\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nEnable\nBit 5 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for SLEEPENTER …\nBit 5 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for SLEEPENTER …\nBit 6 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for SLEEPEXIT …\nBit 6 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for SLEEPEXIT …\nBit 7 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for USBDETECTED …\nBit 7 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for USBDETECTED …\nBit 9 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for USBPWRRDY …\nBit 9 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for USBPWRRDY …\nBit 8 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for USBREMOVED …\nBit 8 - Write ‘1’ to enable interrupt for USBREMOVED …\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\n1: High voltage mode. Voltage supplied on VDDH.\nMain supply status\nField <code>MAINREGSTATUS</code> reader - Main supply status\nMain supply status\n0: Normal voltage mode. Voltage supplied on VDD.\nRegister <code>MAINREGSTATUS</code> reader\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>HIGH</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>NORMAL</code>\nBit 0 - Main supply status\nGet enumerated values variant\n0: Disable\n1: Enable\nPower-fail comparator configuration\nEnable or disable power failure warning\nField <code>POF</code> reader - Enable or disable power failure warning\nField <code>POF</code> writer - Enable or disable power failure warning\nRegister <code>POFCON</code> reader\nPower-fail comparator threshold setting for high voltage …\nField <code>THRESHOLDVDDH</code> reader - Power-fail comparator …\nField <code>THRESHOLDVDDH</code> writer - Power-fail comparator …\nPower-fail comparator threshold setting. This setting …\nField <code>THRESHOLD</code> reader - Power-fail comparator threshold …\nField <code>THRESHOLD</code> writer - Power-fail comparator threshold …\n4: Set threshold to 1.7 V\n5: Set threshold to 1.8 V\n6: Set threshold to 1.9 V\n7: Set threshold to 2.0 V\n8: Set threshold to 2.1 V\n9: Set threshold to 2.2 V\n10: Set threshold to 2.3 V\n11: Set threshold to 2.4 V\n12: Set threshold to 2.5 V\n13: Set threshold to 2.6 V\n14: Set threshold to 2.7 V\n0: Set threshold to 2.7 V\n15: Set threshold to 2.8 V\n1: Set threshold to 2.8 V\n2: Set threshold to 2.9 V\n3: Set threshold to 3.0 V\n4: Set threshold to 3.1 V\n5: Set threshold to 3.2 V\n6: Set threshold to 3.3 V\n7: Set threshold to 3.4 V\n8: Set threshold to 3.5 V\n9: Set threshold to 3.6 V\n10: Set threshold to 3.7 V\n11: Set threshold to 3.8 V\n12: Set threshold to 3.9 V\n13: Set threshold to 4.0 V\n14: Set threshold to 4.1 V\n15: Set threshold to 4.2 V\nRegister <code>POFCON</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nDisable\nEnable\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V17</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V18</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V19</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V20</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V21</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V22</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V23</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V24</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V25</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V26</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V27</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V27</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V28</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V28</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V29</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V30</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V31</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V32</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V33</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V34</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V35</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V36</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V37</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V38</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V39</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V40</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V41</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>V42</code>\nBit 0 - Enable or disable power failure warning\nBit 0 - Enable or disable power failure warning\nBits 1:4 - Power-fail comparator threshold setting. This …\nBits 1:4 - Power-fail comparator threshold setting. This …\nBits 8:11 - Power-fail comparator threshold setting for …\nBits 8:11 - Power-fail comparator threshold setting for …\nSet threshold to 1.7 V\nSet threshold to 1.8 V\nSet threshold to 1.9 V\nSet threshold to 2.0 V\nSet threshold to 2.1 V\nSet threshold to 2.2 V\nSet threshold to 2.3 V\nSet threshold to 2.4 V\nSet threshold to 2.5 V\nSet threshold to 2.6 V\nSet threshold to 2.7 V\nSet threshold to 2.7 V\nSet threshold to 2.8 V\nSet threshold to 2.8 V\nSet threshold to 2.9 V\nSet threshold to 3.0 V\nSet threshold to 3.1 V\nSet threshold to 3.2 V\nSet threshold to 3.3 V\nSet threshold to 3.4 V\nSet threshold to 3.5 V\nSet threshold to 3.6 V\nSet threshold to 3.7 V\nSet threshold to 3.8 V\nSet threshold to 3.9 V\nSet threshold to 4.0 V\nSet threshold to 4.1 V\nSet threshold to 4.2 V\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nPOWER (rw) register accessor: an alias for <code>Reg<POWER_SPEC></code>\nPOWERCLR (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nPOWERSET (w) register accessor: an alias for …\nRegister block\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nDescription cluster[n]: RAMn power control register\n0x00 - Description cluster[n]: RAMn power control register\nDescription cluster[n]: RAMn power control clear register\n0x08 - Description cluster[n]: RAMn power control clear …\nDescription cluster[n]: RAMn power control set register\n0x04 - Description cluster[n]: RAMn power control set …\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\nDescription cluster[n]: RAMn power control register\nRegister <code>POWER</code> reader\nKeep RAM section S0 on or off in System ON mode.\nField <code>S0POWER</code> reader - Keep RAM section S0 on or off in …\nField <code>S0POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S0 on or off in …\nKeep retention on RAM section S0 when RAM section is off\nField <code>S0RETENTION</code> reader - Keep retention on RAM section …\nField <code>S0RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S10 on or off in System ON mode.\nField <code>S10POWER</code> reader - Keep RAM section S10 on or off in …\nField <code>S10POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S10 on or off in …\nKeep retention on RAM section S10 when RAM section is off\nField <code>S10RETENTION</code> reader - Keep retention on RAM section …\nField <code>S10RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S11 on or off in System ON mode.\nField <code>S11POWER</code> reader - Keep RAM section S11 on or off in …\nField <code>S11POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S11 on or off in …\nKeep retention on RAM section S11 when RAM section is off\nField <code>S11RETENTION</code> reader - Keep retention on RAM section …\nField <code>S11RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S12 on or off in System ON mode.\nField <code>S12POWER</code> reader - Keep RAM section S12 on or off in …\nField <code>S12POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S12 on or off in …\nKeep retention on RAM section S12 when RAM section is off\nField <code>S12RETENTION</code> reader - Keep retention on RAM section …\nField <code>S12RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S13 on or off in System ON mode.\nField <code>S13POWER</code> reader - Keep RAM section S13 on or off in …\nField <code>S13POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S13 on or off in …\nKeep retention on RAM section S13 when RAM section is off\nField <code>S13RETENTION</code> reader - Keep retention on RAM section …\nField <code>S13RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S14 on or off in System ON mode.\nField <code>S14POWER</code> reader - Keep RAM section S14 on or off in …\nField <code>S14POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S14 on or off in …\nKeep retention on RAM section S14 when RAM section is off\nField <code>S14RETENTION</code> reader - Keep retention on RAM section …\nField <code>S14RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S15 on or off in System ON mode.\nField <code>S15POWER</code> reader - Keep RAM section S15 on or off in …\nField <code>S15POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S15 on or off in …\nKeep retention on RAM section S15 when RAM section is off\nField <code>S15RETENTION</code> reader - Keep retention on RAM section …\nField <code>S15RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S1 on or off in System ON mode.\nField <code>S1POWER</code> reader - Keep RAM section S1 on or off in …\nField <code>S1POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S1 on or off in …\nKeep retention on RAM section S1 when RAM section is off\nField <code>S1RETENTION</code> reader - Keep retention on RAM section …\nField <code>S1RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S2 on or off in System ON mode.\nField <code>S2POWER</code> reader - Keep RAM section S2 on or off in …\nField <code>S2POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S2 on or off in …\nKeep retention on RAM section S2 when RAM section is off\nField <code>S2RETENTION</code> reader - Keep retention on RAM section …\nField <code>S2RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S3 on or off in System ON mode.\nField <code>S3POWER</code> reader - Keep RAM section S3 on or off in …\nField <code>S3POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S3 on or off in …\nKeep retention on RAM section S3 when RAM section is off\nField <code>S3RETENTION</code> reader - Keep retention on RAM section …\nField <code>S3RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S4 on or off in System ON mode.\nField <code>S4POWER</code> reader - Keep RAM section S4 on or off in …\nField <code>S4POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S4 on or off in …\nKeep retention on RAM section S4 when RAM section is off\nField <code>S4RETENTION</code> reader - Keep retention on RAM section …\nField <code>S4RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S5 on or off in System ON mode.\nField <code>S5POWER</code> reader - Keep RAM section S5 on or off in …\nField <code>S5POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S5 on or off in …\nKeep retention on RAM section S5 when RAM section is off\nField <code>S5RETENTION</code> reader - Keep retention on RAM section …\nField <code>S5RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S6 on or off in System ON mode.\nField <code>S6POWER</code> reader - Keep RAM section S6 on or off in …\nField <code>S6POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S6 on or off in …\nKeep retention on RAM section S6 when RAM section is off\nField <code>S6RETENTION</code> reader - Keep retention on RAM section …\nField <code>S6RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S7 on or off in System ON mode.\nField <code>S7POWER</code> reader - Keep RAM section S7 on or off in …\nField <code>S7POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S7 on or off in …\nKeep retention on RAM section S7 when RAM section is off\nField <code>S7RETENTION</code> reader - Keep retention on RAM section …\nField <code>S7RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S8 on or off in System ON mode.\nField <code>S8POWER</code> reader - Keep RAM section S8 on or off in …\nField <code>S8POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S8 on or off in …\nKeep retention on RAM section S8 when RAM section is off\nField <code>S8RETENTION</code> reader - Keep retention on RAM section …\nField <code>S8RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S9 on or off in System ON mode.\nField <code>S9POWER</code> reader - Keep RAM section S9 on or off in …\nField <code>S9POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S9 on or off in …\nKeep retention on RAM section S9 when RAM section is off\nField <code>S9RETENTION</code> reader - Keep retention on RAM section …\nField <code>S9RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nRegister <code>POWER</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nBit 0 - Keep RAM section S0 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 0 - Keep RAM section S0 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 16 - Keep retention on RAM section S0 when RAM section …\nBit 16 - Keep retention on RAM section S0 when RAM section …\nBit 10 - Keep RAM section S10 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 10 - Keep RAM section S10 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 26 - Keep retention on RAM section S10 when RAM …\nBit 26 - Keep retention on RAM section S10 when RAM …\nBit 11 - Keep RAM section S11 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 11 - Keep RAM section S11 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 27 - Keep retention on RAM section S11 when RAM …\nBit 27 - Keep retention on RAM section S11 when RAM …\nBit 12 - Keep RAM section S12 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 12 - Keep RAM section S12 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 28 - Keep retention on RAM section S12 when RAM …\nBit 28 - Keep retention on RAM section S12 when RAM …\nBit 13 - Keep RAM section S13 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 13 - Keep RAM section S13 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 29 - Keep retention on RAM section S13 when RAM …\nBit 29 - Keep retention on RAM section S13 when RAM …\nBit 14 - Keep RAM section S14 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 14 - Keep RAM section S14 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 30 - Keep retention on RAM section S14 when RAM …\nBit 30 - Keep retention on RAM section S14 when RAM …\nBit 15 - Keep RAM section S15 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 15 - Keep RAM section S15 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 31 - Keep retention on RAM section S15 when RAM …\nBit 31 - Keep retention on RAM section S15 when RAM …\nBit 1 - Keep RAM section S1 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 1 - Keep RAM section S1 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 17 - Keep retention on RAM section S1 when RAM section …\nBit 17 - Keep retention on RAM section S1 when RAM section …\nBit 2 - Keep RAM section S2 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 2 - Keep RAM section S2 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 18 - Keep retention on RAM section S2 when RAM section …\nBit 18 - Keep retention on RAM section S2 when RAM section …\nBit 3 - Keep RAM section S3 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 3 - Keep RAM section S3 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 19 - Keep retention on RAM section S3 when RAM section …\nBit 19 - Keep retention on RAM section S3 when RAM section …\nBit 4 - Keep RAM section S4 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 4 - Keep RAM section S4 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 20 - Keep retention on RAM section S4 when RAM section …\nBit 20 - Keep retention on RAM section S4 when RAM section …\nBit 5 - Keep RAM section S5 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 5 - Keep RAM section S5 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 21 - Keep retention on RAM section S5 when RAM section …\nBit 21 - Keep retention on RAM section S5 when RAM section …\nBit 6 - Keep RAM section S6 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 6 - Keep RAM section S6 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 22 - Keep retention on RAM section S6 when RAM section …\nBit 22 - Keep retention on RAM section S6 when RAM section …\nBit 7 - Keep RAM section S7 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 7 - Keep RAM section S7 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 23 - Keep retention on RAM section S7 when RAM section …\nBit 23 - Keep retention on RAM section S7 when RAM section …\nBit 8 - Keep RAM section S8 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 8 - Keep RAM section S8 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 24 - Keep retention on RAM section S8 when RAM section …\nBit 24 - Keep retention on RAM section S8 when RAM section …\nBit 9 - Keep RAM section S9 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 9 - Keep RAM section S9 on or off in System ON mode.\nBit 25 - Keep retention on RAM section S9 when RAM section …\nBit 25 - Keep retention on RAM section S9 when RAM section …\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\n1: Off\nDescription cluster[n]: RAMn power control clear register\nKeep RAM section S0 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S0POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S0 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S0 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S0RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S10 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S10POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S10 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S10 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S10RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S11 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S11POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S11 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S11 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S11RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S12 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S12POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S12 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S12 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S12RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S13 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S13POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S13 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S13 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S13RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S14 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S14POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S14 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S14 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S14RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S15 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S15POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S15 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S15 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S15RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S1 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S1POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S1 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S1 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S1RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S2 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S2POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S2 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S2 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S2RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S3 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S3POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S3 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S3 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S3RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S4 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S4POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S4 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S4 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S4RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S5 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S5POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S5 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S5 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S5RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S6 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S6POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S6 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S6 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S6RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S7 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S7POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S7 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S7 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S7RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S8 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S8POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S8 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S8 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S8RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S9 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S9POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S9 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S9 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S9RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nRegister <code>POWERCLR</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nOff\nBit 0 - Keep RAM section S0 of RAMn on or off in System ON …\nBit 16 - Keep retention on RAM section S0 when RAM section …\nBit 10 - Keep RAM section S10 of RAMn on or off in System …\nBit 26 - Keep retention on RAM section S10 when RAM …\nBit 11 - Keep RAM section S11 of RAMn on or off in System …\nBit 27 - Keep retention on RAM section S11 when RAM …\nBit 12 - Keep RAM section S12 of RAMn on or off in System …\nBit 28 - Keep retention on RAM section S12 when RAM …\nBit 13 - Keep RAM section S13 of RAMn on or off in System …\nBit 29 - Keep retention on RAM section S13 when RAM …\nBit 14 - Keep RAM section S14 of RAMn on or off in System …\nBit 30 - Keep retention on RAM section S14 when RAM …\nBit 15 - Keep RAM section S15 of RAMn on or off in System …\nBit 31 - Keep retention on RAM section S15 when RAM …\nBit 1 - Keep RAM section S1 of RAMn on or off in System ON …\nBit 17 - Keep retention on RAM section S1 when RAM section …\nBit 2 - Keep RAM section S2 of RAMn on or off in System ON …\nBit 18 - Keep retention on RAM section S2 when RAM section …\nBit 3 - Keep RAM section S3 of RAMn on or off in System ON …\nBit 19 - Keep retention on RAM section S3 when RAM section …\nBit 4 - Keep RAM section S4 of RAMn on or off in System ON …\nBit 20 - Keep retention on RAM section S4 when RAM section …\nBit 5 - Keep RAM section S5 of RAMn on or off in System ON …\nBit 21 - Keep retention on RAM section S5 when RAM section …\nBit 6 - Keep RAM section S6 of RAMn on or off in System ON …\nBit 22 - Keep retention on RAM section S6 when RAM section …\nBit 7 - Keep RAM section S7 of RAMn on or off in System ON …\nBit 23 - Keep retention on RAM section S7 when RAM section …\nBit 8 - Keep RAM section S8 of RAMn on or off in System ON …\nBit 24 - Keep retention on RAM section S8 when RAM section …\nBit 9 - Keep RAM section S9 of RAMn on or off in System ON …\nBit 25 - Keep retention on RAM section S9 when RAM section …\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\nDescription cluster[n]: RAMn power control set register\nKeep RAM section S0 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S0POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S0 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S0 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S0RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S10 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S10POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S10 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S10 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S10RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S11 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S11POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S11 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S11 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S11RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S12 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S12POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S12 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S12 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S12RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S13 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S13POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S13 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S13 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S13RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S14 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S14POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S14 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S14 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S14RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S15 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S15POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S15 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S15 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S15RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S1 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S1POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S1 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S1 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S1RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S2 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S2POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S2 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S2 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S2RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S3 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S3POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S3 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S3 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S3RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S4 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S4POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S4 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S4 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S4RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S5 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S5POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S5 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S5 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S5RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S6 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S6POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S6 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S6 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S6RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S7 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S7POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S7 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S7 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S7RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S8 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S8POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S8 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S8 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S8RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nKeep RAM section S9 of RAMn on or off in System ON mode\nField <code>S9POWER</code> writer - Keep RAM section S9 of RAMn on or …\nKeep retention on RAM section S9 when RAM section is …\nField <code>S9RETENTION</code> writer - Keep retention on RAM section …\nRegister <code>POWERSET</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nOn\nBit 0 - Keep RAM section S0 of RAMn on or off in System ON …\nBit 16 - Keep retention on RAM section S0 when RAM section …\nBit 10 - Keep RAM section S10 of RAMn on or off in System …\nBit 26 - Keep retention on RAM section S10 when RAM …\nBit 11 - Keep RAM section S11 of RAMn on or off in System …\nBit 27 - Keep retention on RAM section S11 when RAM …\nBit 12 - Keep RAM section S12 of RAMn on or off in System …\nBit 28 - Keep retention on RAM section S12 when RAM …\nBit 13 - Keep RAM section S13 of RAMn on or off in System …\nBit 29 - Keep retention on RAM section S13 when RAM …\nBit 14 - Keep RAM section S14 of RAMn on or off in System …\nBit 30 - Keep retention on RAM section S14 when RAM …\nBit 15 - Keep RAM section S15 of RAMn on or off in System …\nBit 31 - Keep retention on RAM section S15 when RAM …\nBit 1 - Keep RAM section S1 of RAMn on or off in System ON …\nBit 17 - Keep retention on RAM section S1 when RAM section …\nBit 2 - Keep RAM section S2 of RAMn on or off in System ON …\nBit 18 - Keep retention on RAM section S2 when RAM section …\nBit 3 - Keep RAM section S3 of RAMn on or off in System ON …\nBit 19 - Keep retention on RAM section S3 when RAM section …\nBit 4 - Keep RAM section S4 of RAMn on or off in System ON …\nBit 20 - Keep retention on RAM section S4 when RAM section …\nBit 5 - Keep RAM section S5 of RAMn on or off in System ON …\nBit 21 - Keep retention on RAM section S5 when RAM section …\nBit 6 - Keep RAM section S6 of RAMn on or off in System ON …\nBit 22 - Keep retention on RAM section S6 when RAM section …\nBit 7 - Keep RAM section S7 of RAMn on or off in System ON …\nBit 23 - Keep retention on RAM section S7 when RAM section …\nBit 8 - Keep RAM section S8 of RAMn on or off in System ON …\nBit 24 - Keep retention on RAM section S8 when RAM section …\nBit 9 - Keep RAM section S9 of RAMn on or off in System ON …\nBit 25 - Keep retention on RAM section S9 when RAM section …\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n0: Off\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\n1: On\nRegister <code>RAMSTATUS</code> reader\nRAM block 0 is on or off/powering up\nField <code>RAMBLOCK0</code> reader - RAM block 0 is on or off/powering …\nRAM block 1 is on or off/powering up\nField <code>RAMBLOCK1</code> reader - RAM block 1 is on or off/powering …\nRAM block 2 is on or off/powering up\nField <code>RAMBLOCK2</code> reader - RAM block 2 is on or off/powering …\nRAM block 3 is on or off/powering up\nField <code>RAMBLOCK3</code> reader - RAM block 3 is on or off/powering …\nDeprecated register - RAM status register\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>OFF</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ON</code>\nBit 0 - RAM block 0 is on or off/powering up\nBit 1 - RAM block 1 is on or off/powering up\nBit 2 - RAM block 2 is on or off/powering up\nBit 3 - RAM block 3 is on or off/powering up\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\n1: Detected\n1: Detected\n1: Detected\n1: Detected\n1: Detected\n1: Detected\n1: Detected\n1: Detected\n1: Detected\nReset due to wake up from System OFF mode when wakeup is …\nField <code>DIF</code> reader - Reset due to wake up from System OFF …\nField <code>DIF</code> writer - Reset due to wake up from System OFF …\nReset from watchdog detected\nField <code>DOG</code> reader - Reset from watchdog detected\nField <code>DOG</code> writer - Reset from watchdog detected\nReset from CPU lock-up detected\nField <code>LOCKUP</code> reader - Reset from CPU lock-up detected\nField <code>LOCKUP</code> writer - Reset from CPU lock-up detected\nReset due to wake up from System OFF mode when wakeup is …\nField <code>LPCOMP</code> reader - Reset due to wake up from System OFF …\nField <code>LPCOMP</code> writer - Reset due to wake up from System OFF …\nReset due to wake up from System OFF mode by NFC field …\nField <code>NFC</code> reader - Reset due to wake up from System OFF …\nField <code>NFC</code> writer - Reset due to wake up from System OFF …\n0: Not detected\n0: Not detected\n0: Not detected\n0: Not detected\n0: Not detected\n0: Not detected\n0: Not detected\n0: Not detected\n0: Not detected\nReset due to wake up from System OFF mode when wakeup is …\nField <code>OFF</code> reader - Reset due to wake up from System OFF …\nField <code>OFF</code> writer - Reset due to wake up from System OFF …\nRegister <code>RESETREAS</code> reader\nReset from pin-reset detected\nField <code>RESETPIN</code> reader - Reset from pin-reset detected\nField <code>RESETPIN</code> writer - Reset from pin-reset detected\nReset reason\nReset from soft reset detected\nField <code>SREQ</code> reader - Reset from soft reset detected\nField <code>SREQ</code> writer - Reset from soft reset detected\nReset due to wake up from System OFF mode by VBUS rising …\nField <code>VBUS</code> reader - Reset due to wake up from System OFF …\nField <code>VBUS</code> writer - Reset due to wake up from System OFF …\nRegister <code>RESETREAS</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nDetected\nDetected\nDetected\nDetected\nDetected\nDetected\nDetected\nDetected\nDetected\nBit 18 - Reset due to wake up from System OFF mode when …\nBit 18 - Reset due to wake up from System OFF mode when …\nBit 1 - Reset from watchdog detected\nBit 1 - Reset from watchdog detected\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DETECTED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DETECTED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DETECTED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DETECTED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DETECTED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DETECTED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DETECTED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DETECTED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DETECTED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>NOT_DETECTED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>NOT_DETECTED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>NOT_DETECTED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>NOT_DETECTED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>NOT_DETECTED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>NOT_DETECTED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>NOT_DETECTED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>NOT_DETECTED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>NOT_DETECTED</code>\nBit 3 - Reset from CPU lock-up detected\nBit 3 - Reset from CPU lock-up detected\nBit 17 - Reset due to wake up from System OFF mode when …\nBit 17 - Reset due to wake up from System OFF mode when …\nBit 19 - Reset due to wake up from System OFF mode by NFC …\nBit 19 - Reset due to wake up from System OFF mode by NFC …\nNot detected\nNot detected\nNot detected\nNot detected\nNot detected\nNot detected\nNot detected\nNot detected\nNot detected\nBit 16 - Reset due to wake up from System OFF mode when …\nBit 16 - Reset due to wake up from System OFF mode when …\nBit 0 - Reset from pin-reset detected\nBit 0 - Reset from pin-reset detected\nBit 2 - Reset from soft reset detected\nBit 2 - Reset from soft reset detected\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nBit 20 - Reset due to wake up from System OFF mode by VBUS …\nBit 20 - Reset due to wake up from System OFF mode by VBUS …\n1: Enable System OFF mode\nEnable System OFF mode\nSystem OFF register\nField <code>SYSTEMOFF</code> writer - Enable System OFF mode\nRegister <code>SYSTEMOFF</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nEnable System OFF mode\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nBit 0 - Enable System OFF mode\nEnable constant latency mode\nField <code>TASKS_CONSTLAT</code> writer -\nRegister <code>TASKS_CONSTLAT</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nBit 0\nEnable low power mode (variable latency)\nField <code>TASKS_LOWPWR</code> writer -\nRegister <code>TASKS_LOWPWR</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nBit 0\n0: USBREG output settling time not elapsed\n0: VBUS voltage below valid threshold\nUSB supply output settling time elapsed\nField <code>OUTPUTRDY</code> reader - USB supply output settling time …\nRegister <code>USBREGSTATUS</code> reader\n1: USBREG output settling time elapsed (same information …\nUSB supply status\nVBUS input detection status (USBDETECTED and USBREMOVED …\nField <code>VBUSDETECT</code> reader - VBUS input detection status …\n1: VBUS voltage above valid threshold\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>NO_VBUS</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>NOT_READY</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>READY</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>VBUS_PRESENT</code>\nBit 1 - USB supply output settling time elapsed\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nBit 0 - VBUS input detection status (USBDETECTED and …\nPPI Channel\nCHEN (rw) register accessor: an alias for <code>Reg<CHEN_SPEC></code>\nCHENCLR (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nCHENSET (rw) register accessor: an alias for …\nCHG (rw) register accessor: an alias for <code>Reg<CHG_SPEC></code>\nFork\nRegister block\nChannel group tasks\nCluster PPI Channel\n0x510..0x5b0 - PPI Channel\nChannel enable register\n0x500 - Channel enable register\nChannel enable clear register\n0x508 - Channel enable clear register\nChannel enable set register\n0x504 - Channel enable set register\nDescription collection[n]: Channel group n\n0x800..0x818 - Description collection[n]: Channel group n\nCluster Fork\n0x910..0x990 - Fork\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCluster Channel group tasks\n0x00..0x30 - Channel group tasks\nRegister block\nEEP (rw) register accessor: an alias for <code>Reg<EEP_SPEC></code>\nTEP (rw) register accessor: an alias for <code>Reg<TEP_SPEC></code>\nDescription cluster[n]: Channel n event end-point\n0x00 - Description cluster[n]: Channel n event end-point\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nDescription cluster[n]: Channel n task end-point\n0x04 - Description cluster[n]: Channel n task end-point\nField <code>EEP</code> reader - Pointer to event register. Accepts only …\nDescription cluster[n]: Channel n event end-point\nField <code>EEP</code> writer - Pointer to event register. Accepts only …\nRegister <code>EEP</code> reader\nRegister <code>EEP</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBits 0:31 - Pointer to event register. Accepts only …\nBits 0:31 - Pointer to event register. Accepts only …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nRegister <code>TEP</code> reader\nField <code>TEP</code> reader - Pointer to task register. Accepts only …\nDescription cluster[n]: Channel n task end-point\nField <code>TEP</code> writer - Pointer to task register. Accepts only …\nRegister <code>TEP</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nBits 0:31 - Pointer to task register. Accepts only …\nBits 0:31 - Pointer to task register. Accepts only …\nEnable or disable channel 0\nField <code>CH0</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 0\nField <code>CH0</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 0\nEnable or disable channel 10\nField <code>CH10</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 10\nField <code>CH10</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 10\nEnable or disable channel 11\nField <code>CH11</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 11\nField <code>CH11</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 11\nEnable or disable channel 12\nField <code>CH12</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 12\nField <code>CH12</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 12\nEnable or disable channel 13\nField <code>CH13</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 13\nField <code>CH13</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 13\nEnable or disable channel 14\nField <code>CH14</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 14\nField <code>CH14</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 14\nEnable or disable channel 15\nField <code>CH15</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 15\nField <code>CH15</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 15\nEnable or disable channel 16\nField <code>CH16</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 16\nField <code>CH16</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 16\nEnable or disable channel 17\nField <code>CH17</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 17\nField <code>CH17</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 17\nEnable or disable channel 18\nField <code>CH18</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 18\nField <code>CH18</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 18\nEnable or disable channel 19\nField <code>CH19</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 19\nField <code>CH19</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 19\nEnable or disable channel 1\nField <code>CH1</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 1\nField <code>CH1</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 1\nEnable or disable channel 20\nField <code>CH20</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 20\nField <code>CH20</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 20\nEnable or disable channel 21\nField <code>CH21</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 21\nField <code>CH21</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 21\nEnable or disable channel 22\nField <code>CH22</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 22\nField <code>CH22</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 22\nEnable or disable channel 23\nField <code>CH23</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 23\nField <code>CH23</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 23\nEnable or disable channel 24\nField <code>CH24</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 24\nField <code>CH24</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 24\nEnable or disable channel 25\nField <code>CH25</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 25\nField <code>CH25</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 25\nEnable or disable channel 26\nField <code>CH26</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 26\nField <code>CH26</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 26\nEnable or disable channel 27\nField <code>CH27</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 27\nField <code>CH27</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 27\nEnable or disable channel 28\nField <code>CH28</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 28\nField <code>CH28</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 28\nEnable or disable channel 29\nField <code>CH29</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 29\nField <code>CH29</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 29\nEnable or disable channel 2\nField <code>CH2</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 2\nField <code>CH2</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 2\nEnable or disable channel 30\nField <code>CH30</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 30\nField <code>CH30</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 30\nEnable or disable channel 31\nField <code>CH31</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 31\nField <code>CH31</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 31\nEnable or disable channel 3\nField <code>CH3</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 3\nField <code>CH3</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 3\nEnable or disable channel 4\nField <code>CH4</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 4\nField <code>CH4</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 4\nEnable or disable channel 5\nField <code>CH5</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 5\nField <code>CH5</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 5\nEnable or disable channel 6\nField <code>CH6</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 6\nField <code>CH6</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 6\nEnable or disable channel 7\nField <code>CH7</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 7\nField <code>CH7</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 7\nEnable or disable channel 8\nField <code>CH8</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 8\nField <code>CH8</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 8\nEnable or disable channel 9\nField <code>CH9</code> reader - Enable or disable channel 9\nField <code>CH9</code> writer - Enable or disable channel 9\nChannel enable register\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n0: Disable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\n1: Enable channel\nRegister <code>CHEN</code> reader\nRegister <code>CHEN</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0 - Enable or disable channel 0\nBit 0 - Enable or disable channel 0\nBit 1 - Enable or disable channel 1\nBit 1 - Enable or disable channel 1\nBit 10 - Enable or disable channel 10\nBit 10 - Enable or disable channel 10\nBit 11 - Enable or disable channel 11\nBit 11 - Enable or disable channel 11\nBit 12 - Enable or disable channel 12\nBit 12 - Enable or disable channel 12\nBit 13 - Enable or disable channel 13\nBit 13 - Enable or disable channel 13\nBit 14 - Enable or disable channel 14\nBit 14 - Enable or disable channel 14\nBit 15 - Enable or disable channel 15\nBit 15 - Enable or disable channel 15\nBit 16 - Enable or disable channel 16\nBit 16 - Enable or disable channel 16\nBit 17 - Enable or disable channel 17\nBit 17 - Enable or disable channel 17\nBit 18 - Enable or disable channel 18\nBit 18 - Enable or disable channel 18\nBit 19 - Enable or disable channel 19\nBit 19 - Enable or disable channel 19\nBit 2 - Enable or disable channel 2\nBit 2 - Enable or disable channel 2\nBit 20 - Enable or disable channel 20\nBit 20 - Enable or disable channel 20\nBit 21 - Enable or disable channel 21\nBit 21 - Enable or disable channel 21\nBit 22 - Enable or disable channel 22\nBit 22 - Enable or disable channel 22\nBit 23 - Enable or disable channel 23\nBit 23 - Enable or disable channel 23\nBit 24 - Enable or disable channel 24\nBit 24 - Enable or disable channel 24\nBit 25 - Enable or disable channel 25\nBit 25 - Enable or disable channel 25\nBit 26 - Enable or disable channel 26\nBit 26 - Enable or disable channel 26\nBit 27 - Enable or disable channel 27\nBit 27 - Enable or disable channel 27\nBit 28 - Enable or disable channel 28\nBit 28 - Enable or disable channel 28\nBit 29 - Enable or disable channel 29\nBit 29 - Enable or disable channel 29\nBit 3 - Enable or disable channel 3\nBit 3 - Enable or disable channel 3\nBit 30 - Enable or disable channel 30\nBit 30 - Enable or disable channel 30\nBit 31 - Enable or disable channel 31\nBit 31 - Enable or disable channel 31\nBit 4 - Enable or disable channel 4\nBit 4 - Enable or disable channel 4\nBit 5 - Enable or disable channel 5\nBit 5 - Enable or disable channel 5\nBit 6 - Enable or disable channel 6\nBit 6 - Enable or disable channel 6\nBit 7 - Enable or disable channel 7\nBit 7 - Enable or disable channel 7\nBit 8 - Enable or disable channel 8\nBit 8 - Enable or disable channel 8\nBit 9 - Enable or disable channel 9\nBit 9 - Enable or disable channel 9\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nDisable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nEnable channel\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nChannel 0 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 0 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH0</code> reader - Channel 0 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH0</code> writer - Channel 0 enable clear register. …\nChannel 10 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 10 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH10</code> reader - Channel 10 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH10</code> writer - Channel 10 enable clear register. …\nChannel 11 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 11 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH11</code> reader - Channel 11 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH11</code> writer - Channel 11 enable clear register. …\nChannel 12 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 12 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH12</code> reader - Channel 12 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH12</code> writer - Channel 12 enable clear register. …\nChannel 13 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 13 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH13</code> reader - Channel 13 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH13</code> writer - Channel 13 enable clear register. …\nChannel 14 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 14 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH14</code> reader - Channel 14 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH14</code> writer - Channel 14 enable clear register. …\nChannel 15 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 15 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH15</code> reader - Channel 15 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH15</code> writer - Channel 15 enable clear register. …\nChannel 16 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 16 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH16</code> reader - Channel 16 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH16</code> writer - Channel 16 enable clear register. …\nChannel 17 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 17 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH17</code> reader - Channel 17 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH17</code> writer - Channel 17 enable clear register. …\nChannel 18 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 18 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH18</code> reader - Channel 18 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH18</code> writer - Channel 18 enable clear register. …\nChannel 19 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 19 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH19</code> reader - Channel 19 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH19</code> writer - Channel 19 enable clear register. …\nChannel 1 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 1 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH1</code> reader - Channel 1 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH1</code> writer - Channel 1 enable clear register. …\nChannel 20 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 20 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH20</code> reader - Channel 20 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH20</code> writer - Channel 20 enable clear register. …\nChannel 21 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 21 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH21</code> reader - Channel 21 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH21</code> writer - Channel 21 enable clear register. …\nChannel 22 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 22 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH22</code> reader - Channel 22 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH22</code> writer - Channel 22 enable clear register. …\nChannel 23 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 23 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH23</code> reader - Channel 23 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH23</code> writer - Channel 23 enable clear register. …\nChannel 24 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 24 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH24</code> reader - Channel 24 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH24</code> writer - Channel 24 enable clear register. …\nChannel 25 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 25 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH25</code> reader - Channel 25 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH25</code> writer - Channel 25 enable clear register. …\nChannel 26 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 26 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH26</code> reader - Channel 26 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH26</code> writer - Channel 26 enable clear register. …\nChannel 27 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 27 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH27</code> reader - Channel 27 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH27</code> writer - Channel 27 enable clear register. …\nChannel 28 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 28 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH28</code> reader - Channel 28 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH28</code> writer - Channel 28 enable clear register. …\nChannel 29 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 29 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH29</code> reader - Channel 29 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH29</code> writer - Channel 29 enable clear register. …\nChannel 2 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 2 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH2</code> reader - Channel 2 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH2</code> writer - Channel 2 enable clear register. …\nChannel 30 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 30 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH30</code> reader - Channel 30 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH30</code> writer - Channel 30 enable clear register. …\nChannel 31 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 31 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH31</code> reader - Channel 31 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH31</code> writer - Channel 31 enable clear register. …\nChannel 3 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 3 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH3</code> reader - Channel 3 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH3</code> writer - Channel 3 enable clear register. …\nChannel 4 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 4 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH4</code> reader - Channel 4 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH4</code> writer - Channel 4 enable clear register. …\nChannel 5 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 5 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH5</code> reader - Channel 5 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH5</code> writer - Channel 5 enable clear register. …\nChannel 6 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 6 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH6</code> reader - Channel 6 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH6</code> writer - Channel 6 enable clear register. …\nChannel 7 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 7 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH7</code> reader - Channel 7 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH7</code> writer - Channel 7 enable clear register. …\nChannel 8 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 8 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH8</code> reader - Channel 8 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH8</code> writer - Channel 8 enable clear register. …\nChannel 9 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 9 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH9</code> reader - Channel 9 enable clear register. …\nField <code>CH9</code> writer - Channel 9 enable clear register. …\nChannel enable clear register\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n1: Write: disable channel\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\nRegister <code>CHENCLR</code> reader\nRegister <code>CHENCLR</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0 - Channel 0 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 0 - Channel 0 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 1 - Channel 1 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 1 - Channel 1 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 10 - Channel 10 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 10 - Channel 10 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 11 - Channel 11 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 11 - Channel 11 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 12 - Channel 12 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 12 - Channel 12 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 13 - Channel 13 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 13 - Channel 13 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 14 - Channel 14 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 14 - Channel 14 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 15 - Channel 15 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 15 - Channel 15 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 16 - Channel 16 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 16 - Channel 16 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 17 - Channel 17 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 17 - Channel 17 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 18 - Channel 18 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 18 - Channel 18 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 19 - Channel 19 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 19 - Channel 19 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 2 - Channel 2 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 2 - Channel 2 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 20 - Channel 20 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 20 - Channel 20 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 21 - Channel 21 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 21 - Channel 21 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 22 - Channel 22 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 22 - Channel 22 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 23 - Channel 23 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 23 - Channel 23 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 24 - Channel 24 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 24 - Channel 24 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 25 - Channel 25 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 25 - Channel 25 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 26 - Channel 26 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 26 - Channel 26 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 27 - Channel 27 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 27 - Channel 27 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 28 - Channel 28 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 28 - Channel 28 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 29 - Channel 29 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 29 - Channel 29 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 3 - Channel 3 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 3 - Channel 3 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 30 - Channel 30 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 30 - Channel 30 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 31 - Channel 31 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 31 - Channel 31 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 4 - Channel 4 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 4 - Channel 4 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 5 - Channel 5 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 5 - Channel 5 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 6 - Channel 6 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 6 - Channel 6 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 7 - Channel 7 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 7 - Channel 7 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 8 - Channel 8 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 8 - Channel 8 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 9 - Channel 9 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 9 - Channel 9 enable clear register. Writing ‘0’ …\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nWrite: disable channel\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>DISABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nChecks if the value of the field is <code>ENABLED</code>\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nGet enumerated values variant\nChannel 0 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 0 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH0</code> reader - Channel 0 enable set register. Writing …\nField <code>CH0</code> writer - Channel 0 enable set register. Writing …\nChannel 10 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 10 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH10</code> reader - Channel 10 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH10</code> writer - Channel 10 enable set register. …\nChannel 11 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 11 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH11</code> reader - Channel 11 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH11</code> writer - Channel 11 enable set register. …\nChannel 12 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 12 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH12</code> reader - Channel 12 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH12</code> writer - Channel 12 enable set register. …\nChannel 13 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 13 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH13</code> reader - Channel 13 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH13</code> writer - Channel 13 enable set register. …\nChannel 14 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 14 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH14</code> reader - Channel 14 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH14</code> writer - Channel 14 enable set register. …\nChannel 15 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 15 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH15</code> reader - Channel 15 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH15</code> writer - Channel 15 enable set register. …\nChannel 16 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 16 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH16</code> reader - Channel 16 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH16</code> writer - Channel 16 enable set register. …\nChannel 17 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 17 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH17</code> reader - Channel 17 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH17</code> writer - Channel 17 enable set register. …\nChannel 18 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 18 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH18</code> reader - Channel 18 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH18</code> writer - Channel 18 enable set register. …\nChannel 19 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 19 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH19</code> reader - Channel 19 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH19</code> writer - Channel 19 enable set register. …\nChannel 1 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 1 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH1</code> reader - Channel 1 enable set register. Writing …\nField <code>CH1</code> writer - Channel 1 enable set register. Writing …\nChannel 20 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 20 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH20</code> reader - Channel 20 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH20</code> writer - Channel 20 enable set register. …\nChannel 21 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 21 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH21</code> reader - Channel 21 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH21</code> writer - Channel 21 enable set register. …\nChannel 22 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 22 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH22</code> reader - Channel 22 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH22</code> writer - Channel 22 enable set register. …\nChannel 23 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 23 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH23</code> reader - Channel 23 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH23</code> writer - Channel 23 enable set register. …\nChannel 24 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 24 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH24</code> reader - Channel 24 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH24</code> writer - Channel 24 enable set register. …\nChannel 25 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 25 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH25</code> reader - Channel 25 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH25</code> writer - Channel 25 enable set register. …\nChannel 26 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 26 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH26</code> reader - Channel 26 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH26</code> writer - Channel 26 enable set register. …\nChannel 27 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 27 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH27</code> reader - Channel 27 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH27</code> writer - Channel 27 enable set register. …\nChannel 28 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 28 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH28</code> reader - Channel 28 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH28</code> writer - Channel 28 enable set register. …\nChannel 29 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 29 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH29</code> reader - Channel 29 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH29</code> writer - Channel 29 enable set register. …\nChannel 2 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 2 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH2</code> reader - Channel 2 enable set register. Writing …\nField <code>CH2</code> writer - Channel 2 enable set register. Writing …\nChannel 30 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 30 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH30</code> reader - Channel 30 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH30</code> writer - Channel 30 enable set register. …\nChannel 31 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 31 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH31</code> reader - Channel 31 enable set register. …\nField <code>CH31</code> writer - Channel 31 enable set register. …\nChannel 3 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 3 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH3</code> reader - Channel 3 enable set register. Writing …\nField <code>CH3</code> writer - Channel 3 enable set register. Writing …\nChannel 4 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 4 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH4</code> reader - Channel 4 enable set register. Writing …\nField <code>CH4</code> writer - Channel 4 enable set register. Writing …\nChannel 5 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 5 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH5</code> reader - Channel 5 enable set register. Writing …\nField <code>CH5</code> writer - Channel 5 enable set register. Writing …\nChannel 6 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 6 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH6</code> reader - Channel 6 enable set register. Writing …\nField <code>CH6</code> writer - Channel 6 enable set register. Writing …\nChannel 7 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 7 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH7</code> reader - Channel 7 enable set register. Writing …\nField <code>CH7</code> writer - Channel 7 enable set register. Writing …\nChannel 8 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 8 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH8</code> reader - Channel 8 enable set register. Writing …\nField <code>CH8</code> writer - Channel 8 enable set register. Writing …\nChannel 9 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nChannel 9 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has no …\nField <code>CH9</code> reader - Channel 9 enable set register. Writing …\nField <code>CH9</code> writer - Channel 9 enable set register. Writing …\nChannel enable set register\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n0: Read: channel disabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\n1: Read: channel enabled\nRegister <code>CHENSET</code> reader\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\n1: Write: Enable channel\nRegister <code>CHENSET</code> writer\nWrites raw bits to the register.\nBit 0 - Channel 0 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has …\nBit 0 - Channel 0 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has …\nBit 1 - Channel 1 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has …\nBit 1 - Channel 1 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has …\nBit 10 - Channel 10 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 10 - Channel 10 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 11 - Channel 11 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 11 - Channel 11 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 12 - Channel 12 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 12 - Channel 12 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 13 - Channel 13 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 13 - Channel 13 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 14 - Channel 14 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 14 - Channel 14 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 15 - Channel 15 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 15 - Channel 15 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 16 - Channel 16 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 16 - Channel 16 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 17 - Channel 17 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 17 - Channel 17 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 18 - Channel 18 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 18 - Channel 18 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 19 - Channel 19 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 19 - Channel 19 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 2 - Channel 2 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has …\nBit 2 - Channel 2 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has …\nBit 20 - Channel 20 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 20 - Channel 20 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 21 - Channel 21 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 21 - Channel 21 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 22 - Channel 22 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 22 - Channel 22 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 23 - Channel 23 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 23 - Channel 23 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 24 - Channel 24 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 24 - Channel 24 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 25 - Channel 25 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 25 - Channel 25 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 26 - Channel 26 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 26 - Channel 26 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 27 - Channel 27 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 27 - Channel 27 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 28 - Channel 28 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 28 - Channel 28 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 29 - Channel 29 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 29 - Channel 29 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 3 - Channel 3 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has …\nBit 3 - Channel 3 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has …\nBit 30 - Channel 30 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 30 - Channel 30 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 31 - Channel 31 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 31 - Channel 31 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ …\nBit 4 - Channel 4 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has …\nBit 4 - Channel 4 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has …\nBit 5 - Channel 5 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has …\nBit 5 - Channel 5 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has …\nBit 6 - Channel 6 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has …\nBit 6 - Channel 6 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has …\nBit 7 - Channel 7 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has …\nBit 7 - Channel 7 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has …\nBit 8 - Channel 8 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has …\nBit 8 - Channel 8 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has …\nBit 9 - Channel 9 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has …\nBit 9 - Channel 9 enable set register. Writing ‘0’ has …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.\nCalls <code>U::from(self)</code>.") |