
336 lines
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//! Crate
pub mod monotonic;
use core::future::{poll_fn, Future};
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use core::task::{Poll, Waker};
use futures_util::{
future::{select, Either},
pub use monotonic::Monotonic;
mod linked_list;
use linked_list::{Link, LinkedList};
/// Holds a waker and at which time instant this waker shall be awoken.
struct WaitingWaker<Mono: Monotonic> {
waker: Waker,
release_at: Mono::Instant,
impl<Mono: Monotonic> Clone for WaitingWaker<Mono> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
waker: self.waker.clone(),
release_at: self.release_at,
impl<Mono: Monotonic> PartialEq for WaitingWaker<Mono> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.release_at == other.release_at
impl<Mono: Monotonic> PartialOrd for WaitingWaker<Mono> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<core::cmp::Ordering> {
/// A generic timer queue for async executors.
/// # Blocking
/// The internal priority queue uses global critical sections to manage access. This means that
/// `await`ing a delay will cause a lock of the entire system for O(n) time. In practice the lock
/// duration is ~10 clock cycles per element in the queue.
/// # Safety
/// This timer queue is based on an intrusive linked list, and by extension the links are strored
/// on the async stacks of callers. The links are deallocated on `drop` or when the wait is
/// complete.
/// Do not call `mem::forget` on an awaited future, or there will be dragons!
pub struct TimerQueue<Mono: Monotonic> {
queue: LinkedList<WaitingWaker<Mono>>,
initialized: AtomicBool,
/// This indicates that there was a timeout.
pub struct TimeoutError;
impl<Mono: Monotonic> TimerQueue<Mono> {
/// Make a new queue.
pub const fn new() -> Self {
Self {
queue: LinkedList::new(),
initialized: AtomicBool::new(false),
/// Forwards the `Monotonic::now()` method.
pub fn now(&self) -> Mono::Instant {
/// Takes the initialized monotonic to initialize the TimerQueue.
pub fn initialize(&self, monotonic: Mono) {
self.initialized.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
// Don't run drop on `Mono`
/// Call this in the interrupt handler of the hardware timer supporting the `Monotonic`
/// # Safety
/// It's always safe to call, but it must only be called from the interrupt of the
/// monotonic timer for correct operation.
pub unsafe fn on_monotonic_interrupt(&self) {
loop {
let mut release_at = None;
let head = self.queue.pop_if(|head| {
release_at = Some(head.release_at);
Mono::now() >= head.release_at
match (head, release_at) {
(Some(link), _) => {
(None, Some(instant)) => {
if Mono::now() >= instant {
// The time for the next instant passed while handling it,
// continue dequeueing
(None, None) => {
// Queue is empty
/// Timeout at a specific time.
pub async fn timeout_at<F: Future>(
instant: Mono::Instant,
future: F,
) -> Result<F::Output, TimeoutError> {
let delay = self.delay_until(instant);
match select(future, delay).await {
Either::Left((r, _)) => Ok(r),
Either::Right(_) => Err(TimeoutError),
/// Timeout after a specific duration.
pub async fn timeout_after<F: Future>(
duration: Mono::Duration,
future: F,
) -> Result<F::Output, TimeoutError> {
self.timeout_at(Mono::now() + duration, future).await
/// Delay for some duration of time.
pub async fn delay(&self, duration: Mono::Duration) {
let now = Mono::now();
self.delay_until(now + duration).await;
/// Delay to some specific time instant.
pub async fn delay_until(&self, instant: Mono::Instant) {
if !self.initialized.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
"The timer queue is not initialized with a monotonic, you need to run `initialize`"
let mut first_run = true;
let queue = &self.queue;
let mut link = Link::new(WaitingWaker {
waker: poll_fn(|cx| Poll::Ready(cx.waker().clone())).await,
release_at: instant,
let marker = &AtomicUsize::new(0);
let dropper = OnDrop::new(|| {
poll_fn(|_| {
if Mono::now() >= instant {
return Poll::Ready(());
if first_run {
first_run = false;
let (was_empty, addr) = queue.insert(&mut link);
marker.store(addr, Ordering::Relaxed);
if was_empty {
// Pend the monotonic handler if the queue was empty to setup the timer.
// Make sure that our link is deleted from the list before we drop this stack
struct OnDrop<F: FnOnce()> {
f: core::mem::MaybeUninit<F>,
impl<F: FnOnce()> OnDrop<F> {
pub fn new(f: F) -> Self {
Self {
f: core::mem::MaybeUninit::new(f),
pub fn defuse(self) {
impl<F: FnOnce()> Drop for OnDrop<F> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { self.f.as_ptr().read()() }
// -------- Test program ---------
// use systick_monotonic::{Systick, TimerQueue};
// // same panicking *behavior* as `panic-probe` but doesn't print a panic message
// // this prevents the panic message being printed *twice* when `defmt::panic` is invoked
// #[defmt::panic_handler]
// fn panic() -> ! {
// cortex_m::asm::udf()
// }
// /// Terminates the application and makes `probe-run` exit with exit-code = 0
// pub fn exit() -> ! {
// loop {
// cortex_m::asm::bkpt();
// }
// }
// defmt::timestamp!("{=u64:us}", {
// let time_us: fugit::MicrosDurationU32 = MONO.now().duration_since_epoch().convert();
// time_us.ticks() as u64
// });
// make_systick_timer_queue!(MONO, Systick<1_000>);
// #[rtic::app(
// device = nrf52832_hal::pac,
// dispatchers = [SWI0_EGU0, SWI1_EGU1, SWI2_EGU2, SWI3_EGU3, SWI4_EGU4, SWI5_EGU5],
// )]
// mod app {
// use super::{Systick, MONO};
// use fugit::ExtU32;
// #[shared]
// struct Shared {}
// #[local]
// struct Local {}
// #[init]
// fn init(cx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local) {
// defmt::println!("init");
// let systick = Systick::start(cx.core.SYST, 64_000_000);
// defmt::println!("initializing monotonic");
// MONO.initialize(systick);
// async_task::spawn().ok();
// async_task2::spawn().ok();
// async_task3::spawn().ok();
// (Shared {}, Local {})
// }
// #[idle]
// fn idle(_: idle::Context) -> ! {
// defmt::println!("idle");
// loop {
// core::hint::spin_loop();
// }
// }
// #[task]
// async fn async_task(_: async_task::Context) {
// loop {
// defmt::println!("async task waiting for 1 second");
// MONO.delay(1.secs()).await;
// }
// }
// #[task]
// async fn async_task2(_: async_task2::Context) {
// loop {
// defmt::println!(" async task 2 waiting for 0.5 second");
// MONO.delay(500.millis()).await;
// }
// }
// #[task]
// async fn async_task3(_: async_task3::Context) {
// loop {
// defmt::println!(" async task 3 waiting for 0.2 second");
// MONO.delay(200.millis()).await;
// }
// }
// }