use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2; use quote::quote; use rtic_syntax::{ast::App, Context}; use crate::{ analyze::Analysis, check::Extra, codegen::{local_resources_struct, module, shared_resources_struct, util}, }; pub fn codegen( app: &App, analysis: &Analysis, extra: &Extra, ) -> ( // mod_app_software_tasks -- free queues, buffers and `${task}Resources` constructors Vec, // root_software_tasks -- items that must be placed in the root of the crate: // - `${task}Locals` structs // - `${task}Resources` structs // - `${task}` modules Vec, // user_software_tasks -- the `#[task]` functions written by the user Vec, ) { let mut mod_app = vec![]; let mut root = vec![]; let mut user_tasks = vec![]; for (name, task) in &app.software_tasks { let inputs = &task.inputs; let (_, _, _, input_ty) = util::regroup_inputs(inputs); let cap = task.args.capacity; let cap_lit = util::capacity_literal(cap); let cap_ty = util::capacity_typenum(cap, true); // Create free queues and inputs / instants buffers let fq = util::fq_ident(name); let fq = util::mark_internal_ident(&fq); let (fq_ty, fq_expr, mk_uninit): (_, _, Box Option<_>>) = { ( quote!(rtic::export::SCFQ<#cap_ty>), quote!(rtic::export::Queue(unsafe { rtic::export::iQueue::u8_sc() })), Box::new(|| util::link_section_uninit(true)), ) }; mod_app.push(quote!( // /// Queue version of a free-list that keeps track of empty slots in // /// the following buffers #[doc(hidden)] static #fq: rtic::RacyCell<#fq_ty> = rtic::RacyCell::new(#fq_expr); )); let elems = &(0..cap) .map(|_| quote!(core::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit())) .collect::>(); for (_, monotonic) in &app.monotonics { let instants = util::monotonic_instants_ident(name, &monotonic.ident); let instants = util::mark_internal_ident(&instants); let mono_type = &monotonic.ty; let uninit = mk_uninit(); // For future use // let doc = format!(" RTIC internal: {}:{}", file!(), line!()); mod_app.push(quote!( #uninit // /// Buffer that holds the instants associated to the inputs of a task // #[doc = #doc] #[doc(hidden)] static #instants: rtic::RacyCell<[core::mem::MaybeUninit>; #cap_lit]> = rtic::RacyCell::new([#(#elems,)*]); )); } let uninit = mk_uninit(); let inputs_ident = util::inputs_ident(name); let inputs_ident = util::mark_internal_ident(&inputs_ident); mod_app.push(quote!( #uninit // /// Buffer that holds the inputs of a task #[doc(hidden)] static #inputs_ident: rtic::RacyCell<[core::mem::MaybeUninit<#input_ty>; #cap_lit]> = rtic::RacyCell::new([#(#elems,)*]); )); // `${task}Resources` let mut needs_lt = false; // TODO: Fix locals // `${task}Locals` if !task.args.local_resources.is_empty() { let (item, constructor) = local_resources_struct::codegen(Context::SoftwareTask(name), &mut needs_lt, app); root.push(item); mod_app.push(constructor); } if !task.args.shared_resources.is_empty() { let (item, constructor) = shared_resources_struct::codegen(Context::SoftwareTask(name), &mut needs_lt, app); root.push(item); mod_app.push(constructor); } if !&task.is_extern { let context = &task.context; let attrs = &task.attrs; let cfgs = &task.cfgs; let stmts = &task.stmts; user_tasks.push(quote!( #(#attrs)* #(#cfgs)* #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn #name(#context: #name::Context #(,#inputs)*) { use rtic::Mutex as _; use rtic::mutex_prelude::*; #(#stmts)* } )); } root.push(module::codegen( Context::SoftwareTask(name), needs_lt, app, analysis, extra, )); } (mod_app, root, user_tasks) }