
Module LPLR

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SNVS_LP Lock Register


  • General Purpose Register Hard Lock When set, prevents any writes to the GPR
  • LP Calibration Hard Lock When set, prevents any writes to the LP Calibration Value (LPCALB_VAL) and LP Calibration Enable (LPCALB_EN)
  • LP Security Violation Control Register Hard Lock When set, prevents any writes to the LPSVCR
  • LP Tamper Detectors Configuration Register Hard Lock When set, prevents any writes to the LPTDCR
  • Monotonic Counter Hard Lock When set, prevents any writes (increments) to the MC Registers and MC_ENV bit
  • Master Key Select Hard Lock When set, prevents any writes to the MASTER_KEY_SEL field of the LP Master Key Control Register
  • Secure Real Time Counter Hard Lock When set, prevents any writes to the SRTC registers, SRTC_ENV, and SRTC_INV_EN bits
  • Zeroizable Master Key Read Hard Lock When set, prevents any software reads to the ZMK registers and ZMK_ECC_VALUE field of the LPMKCR
  • Zeroizable Master Key Write Hard Lock When set, prevents any writes (software and hardware) to the ZMK registers and ZMK_HWP, ZMK_VAL, and ZMK_ECC_EN fields of the LPMKCR