Expand description
SNVS_LP Control Register
- This field configures the button press time out values for the PMIC Logic
- This field configures the amount of debounce time for the BTN input signal
- Dumb PMIC Enabled When set, software can control the system power
- General Purpose Registers Zeroization Disable
- LP Calibration Enable When set, enables the SRTC calibration mechanism
- LP Calibration Value Defines signed calibration value for SRTC
- LP Time Alarm Enable When set, the SNVS functional interrupt is asserted if the LP Time Alarm Register is equal to the 32 MSBs of the secure real time counter
- LP Wake-Up Interrupt Enable This interrupt line should be connected to the external pin and is intended to inform the external chip about an SNVS_LP event (tamper event, MC rollover, SRTC rollover, or time alarm )
- Monotonic Counter Enabled and Valid When set, the MC can be incremented (by write transaction to the LPSMCMR or LPSMCLR)
- The ON_TIME field is used to configure the period of time after BTN is asserted before pmic_en_b is asserted to turn on the SoC power
- PMIC On Request Enable The value written to PK_EN will be asserted on output signal snvs_lp_pk_en
- PMIC On Request Override The value written to PK_OVERRIDE will be asserted on output signal snvs_lp_pk_override
- Power Glitch Enable By default the detection of a power glitch does not cause the pmic_en_b signal to be asserted
- Secure Real Time Counter Enabled and Valid When set, the SRTC becomes operational
- If this bit is 1, in the case of a security violation the SRTC stops counting and the SRTC is invalidated (SRTC_ENV bit is cleared)
- Turn off System Power Asserting this bit causes a signal to be sent to the Power Management IC to turn off the system power