# RTIC by example This part of the book introduces the Real-Time Interrupt-driven Concurrency (RTIC) framework to new users by walking them through examples of increasing complexity. All examples in this part of the book are accessible at the [GitHub repository][repoexamples]. The examples are runnable on QEMU (emulating a Cortex M3 target), thus no special hardware required to follow along. [repoexamples]: https://github.com/rtic-rs/cortex-m-rtic/tree/master/examples To run the examples with QEMU you will need the `qemu-system-arm` program. Check [the embedded Rust book] for instructions on how to set up an embedded development environment that includes QEMU. [the embedded Rust book]: https://rust-embedded.github.io/book/intro/install.html To run the examples found in `examples/` locally, cargo needs a supported `target` and either `--examples` (run all examples) or `--example NAME` to run a specific example. Assuming dependencies in place, running: ``` console $ cargo run --target thumbv7m-none-eabi --example locals ``` Yields this output: ``` console {{#include ../../../ci/expected/locals.run}} ```