use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2; use quote::quote; use rtic_syntax::ast::App; use crate::{analyze::Analysis, check::Extra}; mod assertions; mod dispatchers; mod hardware_tasks; mod idle; mod init; mod local_resources; mod local_resources_struct; mod module; mod post_init; mod pre_init; mod shared_resources; mod shared_resources_struct; mod software_tasks; mod timer_queue; mod util; pub fn app(app: &App, analysis: &Analysis, extra: &Extra) -> TokenStream2 { let mut mod_app = vec![]; let mut mains = vec![]; let mut root = vec![]; let mut user = vec![]; // Generate the `main` function let assertion_stmts = assertions::codegen(app, analysis); let pre_init_stmts = pre_init::codegen(app, analysis, extra); let (mod_app_init, root_init, user_init, call_init) = init::codegen(app, analysis, extra); let post_init_stmts = post_init::codegen(app, analysis); let (mod_app_idle, root_idle, user_idle, call_idle) = idle::codegen(app, analysis, extra); user.push(quote!( #user_init #user_idle )); root.push(quote!( #(#root_init)* #(#root_idle)* )); mod_app.push(quote!( #mod_app_init #(#mod_app_idle)* )); let main = util::suffixed("main"); mains.push(quote!( #[doc(hidden)] mod rtic_ext { use super::*; #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn #main() -> ! { #(#assertion_stmts)* #(#pre_init_stmts)* #[inline(never)] fn __rtic_init_resources(f: F) where F: FnOnce() { f(); } // Wrap late_init_stmts in a function to ensure that stack space is reclaimed. __rtic_init_resources(||{ #call_init #(#post_init_stmts)* }); #call_idle } } )); let (mod_app_shared_resources, mod_shared_resources) = shared_resources::codegen(app, analysis, extra); let (mod_app_local_resources, mod_local_resources) = local_resources::codegen(app, analysis, extra); let (mod_app_hardware_tasks, root_hardware_tasks, user_hardware_tasks) = hardware_tasks::codegen(app, analysis, extra); let (mod_app_software_tasks, root_software_tasks, user_software_tasks) = software_tasks::codegen(app, analysis, extra); let mod_app_dispatchers = dispatchers::codegen(app, analysis, extra); let mod_app_timer_queue = timer_queue::codegen(app, analysis, extra); let user_imports = &app.user_imports; let user_code = &app.user_code; let name = &; let device = &extra.device; let monotonic_parts: Vec<_> = app .monotonics .iter() .map(|(_, monotonic)| { let name = &monotonic.ident; let name_str = &name.to_string(); let ident = util::monotonic_ident(&name_str); let panic_str = &format!( "Use of monotonic '{}' before it was passed to the runtime", name_str ); let doc = &format!( "This module holds the static implementation for `{}::now()`", name_str ); let default_monotonic = if monotonic.args.default { quote!(pub use #name::now;) } else { quote!() }; quote! { #default_monotonic #[doc = #doc] #[allow(non_snake_case)] pub mod #name { /// Read the current time from this monotonic pub fn now() -> rtic::time::Instant { rtic::export::interrupt::free(|_| { use rtic::Monotonic as _; use rtic::time::Clock as _; if let Some(m) = unsafe{ &mut *super::super::#ident.get_mut() } { if let Ok(v) = m.try_now() { v } else { unreachable!("Your monotonic is not infallible!") } } else { panic!(#panic_str); } }) } } } }) .collect(); let monotonics = if !monotonic_parts.is_empty() { quote!( pub use rtic::Monotonic as _; /// Holds static methods for each monotonic. pub mod monotonics { #(#monotonic_parts)* } ) } else { quote!() }; let rt_err = util::rt_err_ident(); quote!( /// The RTIC application module pub mod #name { /// Always include the device crate which contains the vector table use #device as #rt_err; #monotonics #(#user_imports)* /// User code from within the module #(#user_code)* /// User code end #(#user)* #(#user_hardware_tasks)* #(#user_software_tasks)* #(#root)* #mod_shared_resources #mod_local_resources #(#root_hardware_tasks)* #(#root_software_tasks)* /// app module #(#mod_app)* #(#mod_app_shared_resources)* #(#mod_app_local_resources)* #(#mod_app_hardware_tasks)* #(#mod_app_software_tasks)* #(#mod_app_dispatchers)* #(#mod_app_timer_queue)* #(#mains)* } ) }