use crate::syntax::{ast::App, Context}; use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream as TokenStream2}; use quote::quote; use syn::{Attribute, Ident, PatType}; const RTIC_INTERNAL: &str = "__rtic_internal"; pub fn interrupt_ident() -> Ident { let span = Span::call_site(); Ident::new("interrupt", span) } /// Mark a name as internal pub fn mark_internal_name(name: &str) -> Ident { Ident::new(&format!("{RTIC_INTERNAL}_{name}"), Span::call_site()) } /// Generate an internal identifier for tasks pub fn internal_task_ident(task: &Ident, ident_name: &str) -> Ident { mark_internal_name(&format!("{task}_{ident_name}")) } fn link_section_index() -> usize { static INDEX: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0); INDEX.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed) } /// Add `link_section` attribute pub fn link_section_uninit() -> TokenStream2 { let section = format!(".uninit.rtic{}", link_section_index()); quote!(#[link_section = #section]) } /// Regroups the inputs of a task /// /// `inputs` could be &[`input: Foo`] OR &[`mut x: i32`, `ref y: i64`] pub fn regroup_inputs( inputs: &[PatType], ) -> ( // args e.g. &[`_0`], &[`_0: i32`, `_1: i64`] Vec, // tupled e.g. `_0`, `(_0, _1)` TokenStream2, // untupled e.g. &[`_0`], &[`_0`, `_1`] Vec, // ty e.g. `Foo`, `(i32, i64)` TokenStream2, ) { if inputs.len() == 1 { let ty = &inputs[0].ty; ( vec![quote!(_0: #ty)], quote!(_0), vec![quote!(_0)], quote!(#ty), ) } else { let mut args = vec![]; let mut pats = vec![]; let mut tys = vec![]; for (i, input) in inputs.iter().enumerate() { let i = Ident::new(&format!("_{i}"), Span::call_site()); let ty = &input.ty; args.push(quote!(#i: #ty)); pats.push(quote!(#i)); tys.push(quote!(#ty)); } let tupled = { let pats = pats.clone(); quote!((#(#pats,)*)) }; let ty = quote!((#(#tys,)*)); (args, tupled, pats, ty) } } /// Get the ident for the name of the task pub fn get_task_name(ctxt: Context, app: &App) -> Ident { let s = match ctxt { Context::Init =>, Context::Idle => app .idle .as_ref() .expect("RTIC-ICE: unable to find idle name") .name .to_string(), Context::HardwareTask(ident) | Context::SoftwareTask(ident) => ident.to_string(), }; Ident::new(&s, Span::call_site()) } /// Generates a pre-reexport identifier for the "shared resources" struct pub fn shared_resources_ident(ctxt: Context, app: &App) -> Ident { let mut s = match ctxt { Context::Init =>, Context::Idle => app .idle .as_ref() .expect("RTIC-ICE: unable to find idle name") .name .to_string(), Context::HardwareTask(ident) | Context::SoftwareTask(ident) => ident.to_string(), }; s.push_str("SharedResources"); mark_internal_name(&s) } /// Generates a pre-reexport identifier for the "local resources" struct pub fn local_resources_ident(ctxt: Context, app: &App) -> Ident { let mut s = match ctxt { Context::Init =>, Context::Idle => app .idle .as_ref() .expect("RTIC-ICE: unable to find idle name") .name .to_string(), Context::HardwareTask(ident) | Context::SoftwareTask(ident) => ident.to_string(), }; s.push_str("LocalResources"); mark_internal_name(&s) } /// Suffixed identifier pub fn suffixed(name: &str) -> Ident { let span = Span::call_site(); Ident::new(name, span) } pub fn static_shared_resource_ident(name: &Ident) -> Ident { mark_internal_name(&format!("shared_resource_{name}")) } pub fn static_local_resource_ident(name: &Ident) -> Ident { mark_internal_name(&format!("local_resource_{name}")) } pub fn declared_static_local_resource_ident(name: &Ident, task_name: &Ident) -> Ident { mark_internal_name(&format!("local_{task_name}_{name}")) } pub fn need_to_lock_ident(name: &Ident) -> Ident { Ident::new(&format!("{name}_that_needs_to_be_locked"), name.span()) } pub fn zero_prio_dispatcher_ident() -> Ident { Ident::new("__rtic_internal_async_0_prio_dispatcher", Span::call_site()) } /// The name to get better RT flag errors pub fn rt_err_ident() -> Ident { Ident::new( "you_must_enable_the_rt_feature_for_the_pac_in_your_cargo_toml", Span::call_site(), ) }