//! Utilities shared by all bus types.
use core::cell::UnsafeCell;
/// Cell type used by [`spi::AtomicDevice`](crate::spi::AtomicDevice) and [`i2c::AtomicDevice`](crate::i2c::AtomicDevice).
/// To use `AtomicDevice`, you must wrap the bus with this struct, and then
/// construct multiple `AtomicDevice` instances with references to it.
pub struct AtomicCell<BUS> {
pub(crate) bus: UnsafeCell<BUS>,
pub(crate) busy: portable_atomic::AtomicBool,
unsafe impl<BUS: Send> Send for AtomicCell<BUS> {}
unsafe impl<BUS: Send> Sync for AtomicCell<BUS> {}
impl<BUS> AtomicCell<BUS> {
/// Create a new `AtomicCell`
pub fn new(bus: BUS) -> Self {
Self {
bus: UnsafeCell::new(bus),
busy: portable_atomic::AtomicBool::from(false),