init the hal takes a duration of Duration { ticks: 45 } timeout the hal takes a duration of Duration { ticks: 45 } hal returned 5 the hal takes a duration of Duration { ticks: 45 } hal returned 5 now is Instant { ticks: 213 }, timeout at Instant { ticks: 263 } the hal takes a duration of Duration { ticks: 35 } hal returned 5 at time Instant { ticks: 249 } now is Instant { ticks: 313 }, timeout at Instant { ticks: 363 } the hal takes a duration of Duration { ticks: 45 } hal returned 5 at time Instant { ticks: 359 } now is Instant { ticks: 413 }, timeout at Instant { ticks: 463 } the hal takes a duration of Duration { ticks: 55 } timeout