use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2; use quote::quote; use crate::analyze::Analysis; /// Generates compile-time assertions that check that types implement the `Send` / `Sync` traits pub fn codegen(core: u8, analysis: &Analysis) -> Vec { let mut stmts = vec![]; // we don't generate *all* assertions on all cores because the user could conditionally import a // type only on some core (e.g. `#[cfg(core = "0")] use some::Type;`) if let Some(types) = analysis.send_types.get(&core) { for ty in types { stmts.push(quote!(rtfm::export::assert_send::<#ty>();)); } } if let Some(types) = analysis.sync_types.get(&core) { for ty in types { stmts.push(quote!(rtfm::export::assert_sync::<#ty>();)); } } stmts }