use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2; use quote::quote; use rtic_syntax::{ast::App, Context}; use crate::{check::Extra, codegen::util}; pub fn codegen(ctxt: Context, resources_tick: bool, app: &App, extra: &Extra) -> TokenStream2 { let mut items = vec![]; let mut fields = vec![]; let mut values = vec![]; let name = ctxt.ident(app); let mut needs_instant = false; let mut lt = None; match ctxt { Context::Init => { if app.uses_schedule() { let m = extra.monotonic(); fields.push(quote!( /// System start time = `Instant(0 /* cycles */)` pub start: <#m as rtic::Monotonic>::Instant )); values.push(quote!(start: <#m as rtic::Monotonic>::zero())); fields.push(quote!( /// Core (Cortex-M) peripherals minus the SysTick pub core: rtic::Peripherals )); } else { fields.push(quote!( /// Core (Cortex-M) peripherals pub core: rtic::export::Peripherals )); } if extra.peripherals { let device = extra.device; fields.push(quote!( /// Device peripherals pub device: #device::Peripherals )); values.push(quote!(device: #device::Peripherals::steal())); } values.push(quote!(core)); } Context::Idle => {} Context::HardwareTask(..) => { if app.uses_schedule() { let m = extra.monotonic(); fields.push(quote!( /// Time at which this handler started executing pub start: <#m as rtic::Monotonic>::Instant )); values.push(quote!(start: instant)); needs_instant = true; } } Context::SoftwareTask(..) => { if app.uses_schedule() { let m = extra.monotonic(); fields.push(quote!( /// The time at which this task was scheduled to run pub scheduled: <#m as rtic::Monotonic>::Instant )); values.push(quote!(scheduled: instant)); needs_instant = true; } } } if ctxt.has_locals(app) { let ident = util::locals_ident(ctxt, app); items.push(quote!( #[doc(inline)] pub use super::#ident as Locals; )); } if ctxt.has_resources(app) { let ident = util::resources_ident(ctxt, app); let lt = if resources_tick { lt = Some(quote!('a)); Some(quote!('a)) } else { None }; items.push(quote!( #[doc(inline)] pub use super::#ident as Resources; )); fields.push(quote!( /// Resources this task has access to pub resources: Resources<#lt> )); let priority = if ctxt.is_init() { None } else { Some(quote!(priority)) }; values.push(quote!(resources: Resources::new(#priority))); } if ctxt.uses_schedule(app) { let doc = "Tasks that can be `schedule`-d from this context"; if ctxt.is_init() { items.push(quote!( #[doc = #doc] #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub struct Schedule { _not_send: core::marker::PhantomData<*mut ()>, } )); fields.push(quote!( #[doc = #doc] pub schedule: Schedule )); values.push(quote!( schedule: Schedule { _not_send: core::marker::PhantomData } )); } else { lt = Some(quote!('a)); items.push(quote!( #[doc = #doc] #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub struct Schedule<'a> { priority: &'a rtic::export::Priority, } impl<'a> Schedule<'a> { #[doc(hidden)] #[inline(always)] pub unsafe fn priority(&self) -> &rtic::export::Priority { &self.priority } } )); fields.push(quote!( #[doc = #doc] pub schedule: Schedule<'a> )); values.push(quote!( schedule: Schedule { priority } )); } } if ctxt.uses_spawn(app) { let doc = "Tasks that can be `spawn`-ed from this context"; if ctxt.is_init() { fields.push(quote!( #[doc = #doc] pub spawn: Spawn )); items.push(quote!( #[doc = #doc] #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub struct Spawn { _not_send: core::marker::PhantomData<*mut ()>, } )); values.push(quote!(spawn: Spawn { _not_send: core::marker::PhantomData })); } else { lt = Some(quote!('a)); fields.push(quote!( #[doc = #doc] pub spawn: Spawn<'a> )); let mut instant_method = None; if ctxt.is_idle() { items.push(quote!( #[doc = #doc] #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub struct Spawn<'a> { priority: &'a rtic::export::Priority, } )); values.push(quote!(spawn: Spawn { priority })); } else { let instant_field = if app.uses_schedule() { let m = extra.monotonic(); needs_instant = true; instant_method = Some(quote!( pub unsafe fn instant(&self) -> <#m as rtic::Monotonic>::Instant { self.instant } )); Some(quote!(instant: <#m as rtic::Monotonic>::Instant,)) } else { None }; items.push(quote!( /// Tasks that can be spawned from this context #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub struct Spawn<'a> { #instant_field priority: &'a rtic::export::Priority, } )); let _instant = if needs_instant { Some(quote!(, instant)) } else { None }; values.push(quote!( spawn: Spawn { priority #_instant } )); } items.push(quote!( impl<'a> Spawn<'a> { #[doc(hidden)] #[inline(always)] pub unsafe fn priority(&self) -> &rtic::export::Priority { self.priority } #instant_method } )); } } if let Context::Init = ctxt { let init = &app.inits.first().unwrap(); if init.returns_late_resources { let late_resources = util::late_resources_ident(&; items.push(quote!( #[doc(inline)] pub use super::#late_resources as LateResources; )); } } let doc = match ctxt { Context::Idle => "Idle loop", Context::Init => "Initialization function", Context::HardwareTask(_) => "Hardware task", Context::SoftwareTask(_) => "Software task", }; let core = if ctxt.is_init() { if app.uses_schedule() { Some(quote!(core: rtic::Peripherals,)) } else { Some(quote!(core: rtic::export::Peripherals,)) } } else { None }; let priority = if ctxt.is_init() { None } else { Some(quote!(priority: &#lt rtic::export::Priority)) }; let instant = if needs_instant { let m = extra.monotonic(); Some(quote!(, instant: <#m as rtic::Monotonic>::Instant)) } else { None }; items.push(quote!( /// Execution context pub struct Context<#lt> { #(#fields,)* } impl<#lt> Context<#lt> { #[inline(always)] pub unsafe fn new(#core #priority #instant) -> Self { Context { #(#values,)* } } } )); if !items.is_empty() { quote!( #[allow(non_snake_case)] #[doc = #doc] pub mod #name { #(#items)* } ) } else { quote!() } }