# Using indirection for faster message passing Message passing always involves copying the payload from the sender into a static variable and then from the static variable into the receiver. Thus sending a large buffer, like a `[u8; 128]`, as a message involves two expensive `memcpy`s. Indirection can minimize message passing overhead: instead of sending the buffer by value, one can send an owning pointer into the buffer. One can use a global allocator to achieve indirection (`alloc::Box`, `alloc::Rc`, etc.), which requires using the nightly channel as of Rust v1.37.0, or one can use a statically allocated memory pool like [`heapless::Pool`]. [`heapless::Pool`]: https://docs.rs/heapless/0.5.0/heapless/pool/index.html Here's an example where `heapless::Pool` is used to "box" buffers of 128 bytes. ``` rust {{#include ../../../../examples/pool.rs}} ``` ``` console $ cargo run --target thumbv7m-none-eabi --example pool {{#include ../../../../ci/expected/pool.run}} ```