use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2; use quote::quote; use rtic_syntax::{ast::App, Context}; use crate::{ analyze::Analysis, check::Extra, codegen::{local_resources_struct, module}, }; type CodegenResult = ( // mod_app_idle -- the `${init}Resources` constructor Option, // root_init -- items that must be placed in the root of the crate: // - the `${init}Locals` struct // - the `${init}Resources` struct // - the `${init}LateResources` struct // - the `${init}` module, which contains types like `${init}::Context` Vec, // user_init -- the `#[init]` function written by the user TokenStream2, // call_init -- the call to the user `#[init]` TokenStream2, ); /// Generates support code for `#[init]` functions pub fn codegen(app: &App, analysis: &Analysis, extra: &Extra) -> CodegenResult { let init = &app.init; let mut local_needs_lt = false; let name = &; let mut root_init = vec![]; let context = &init.context; let attrs = &init.attrs; let stmts = &init.stmts; let shared = &init.user_shared_struct; let local = &init.user_local_struct; let shared_resources: Vec<_> = app .shared_resources .iter() .map(|(k, v)| { let ty = &v.ty; let cfgs = &v.cfgs; quote!( #(#cfgs)* #k: #ty, ) }) .collect(); let local_resources: Vec<_> = app .local_resources .iter() .map(|(k, v)| { let ty = &v.ty; let cfgs = &v.cfgs; quote!( #(#cfgs)* #k: #ty, ) }) .collect(); root_init.push(quote! { struct #shared { #(#shared_resources)* } struct #local { #(#local_resources)* } }); // let locals_pat = locals_pat.iter(); let user_init_return = quote! {#shared, #local, #name::Monotonics}; let user_init = quote!( #(#attrs)* #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn #name(#context: #name::Context) -> (#user_init_return) { #(#stmts)* } ); let mut mod_app = None; // `${task}Locals` if !init.args.local_resources.is_empty() { let (item, constructor) = local_resources_struct::codegen(Context::Init, &mut local_needs_lt, app); root_init.push(item); mod_app = Some(constructor); } // let locals_new = locals_new.iter(); let call_init = quote! { let (shared_resources, local_resources, mut monotonics) = #name(#name::Context::new(core.into())); }; root_init.push(module::codegen( Context::Init, false, local_needs_lt, app, analysis, extra, )); (mod_app, root_init, user_init, call_init) }