
Module eventcause

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Details on what caused the USBEVENT event


  • Details on what caused the USBEVENT event
  • Register EVENTCAUSE reader
  • Register EVENTCAUSE writer


  • CRC error was detected on isochronous OUT endpoint 8. Write ‘1’ to clear.
  • USB device is ready for normal operation. Write ‘1’ to clear.
  • Signals that a RESUME condition (K state or activity restart) has been detected on USB lines. Write ‘1’ to clear.
  • Signals that USB lines have been idle long enough for the device to enter suspend. Write ‘1’ to clear.
  • USB MAC has been woken up and operational. Write ‘1’ to clear.

Type Aliases§

  • Field ISOOUTCRC reader - CRC error was detected on isochronous OUT endpoint 8. Write ‘1’ to clear.
  • Field ISOOUTCRC writer - CRC error was detected on isochronous OUT endpoint 8. Write ‘1’ to clear.
  • Field READY reader - USB device is ready for normal operation. Write ‘1’ to clear.
  • Field READY writer - USB device is ready for normal operation. Write ‘1’ to clear.
  • Field RESUME reader - Signals that a RESUME condition (K state or activity restart) has been detected on USB lines. Write ‘1’ to clear.
  • Field RESUME writer - Signals that a RESUME condition (K state or activity restart) has been detected on USB lines. Write ‘1’ to clear.
  • Field SUSPEND reader - Signals that USB lines have been idle long enough for the device to enter suspend. Write ‘1’ to clear.
  • Field SUSPEND writer - Signals that USB lines have been idle long enough for the device to enter suspend. Write ‘1’ to clear.
  • Field USBWUALLOWED reader - USB MAC has been woken up and operational. Write ‘1’ to clear.
  • Field USBWUALLOWED writer - USB MAC has been woken up and operational. Write ‘1’ to clear.