
Module shorts

Expand description

Shortcut register


  • Register SHORTS reader
  • Shortcut register
  • Register SHORTS writer


Type Aliases§

  • Field DBLRDY_RDCLRDBL reader - Shortcut between DBLRDY event and RDCLRDBL task
  • Field DBLRDY_RDCLRDBL writer - Shortcut between DBLRDY event and RDCLRDBL task
  • Field DBLRDY_STOP reader - Shortcut between DBLRDY event and STOP task
  • Field DBLRDY_STOP writer - Shortcut between DBLRDY event and STOP task
  • Field REPORTRDY_RDCLRACC reader - Shortcut between REPORTRDY event and RDCLRACC task
  • Field REPORTRDY_RDCLRACC writer - Shortcut between REPORTRDY event and RDCLRACC task
  • Field REPORTRDY_READCLRACC reader - Shortcut between REPORTRDY event and READCLRACC task
  • Field REPORTRDY_READCLRACC writer - Shortcut between REPORTRDY event and READCLRACC task
  • Field REPORTRDY_STOP reader - Shortcut between REPORTRDY event and STOP task
  • Field REPORTRDY_STOP writer - Shortcut between REPORTRDY event and STOP task
  • Field SAMPLERDY_READCLRACC reader - Shortcut between SAMPLERDY event and READCLRACC task
  • Field SAMPLERDY_READCLRACC writer - Shortcut between SAMPLERDY event and READCLRACC task
  • Field SAMPLERDY_STOP reader - Shortcut between SAMPLERDY event and STOP task
  • Field SAMPLERDY_STOP writer - Shortcut between SAMPLERDY event and STOP task