
Module arc

Expand description

Like std::sync::Arc but backed by a memory Pool rather than #[global_allocator]

Note that the same limitations that apply to “Box” pool also apply to the “Arc” pool.


use heapless::{arc_pool, Arc};

pub struct BigStruct { // <- does NOT implement Clone
    data: [u8; 128],
    // ..

// declare a memory pool
arc_pool!(P: BigStruct);

fn main() -> ! {
    static mut MEMORY: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024];

    // give some static memory to the pool

    let x: Arc<P> = P::alloc(BigStruct::new()).ok().expect("OOM");
    //         ^ NOTE: this is the Pool type, not the data type

    // cloning is cheap; it increases the refcount
    let y = x.clone();

    // same data address
    assert_eq!(&*x as *const _, &*y as *const _);

    // auto-deref
    let data: &[u8] = &x.data;

    // decrease refcount

    // refcount decreased to 0; memory is returned to the pool

    // ..

The grow_exact API is also available on the “Arc pool”. It requires using Node<ArcInner<Type>> as the array element type. Example below:

use heapless::pool::{singleton::arc::ArcInner, Node};

pub struct BigStruct { /* .. */ }

arc_pool!(P: BigStruct);

fn main() -> ! {
    static mut MEMORY: MaybeUninit<[Node<ArcInner<BigStruct>>; 2]> = MaybeUninit::uninit();


    // 2 allocations are guaranteed to work
    let x = P::alloc(BigStruct::new()).ok().expect("OOM");
    let y = P::alloc(BigStruct::new()).ok().expect("OOM");

    // ..


  • std::sync::Arc but backed by a memory Pool rather than #[global_allocator]
  • Unfortunate implementation detail required to use the grow_exact API


  • Pool of Arc pointers