use crate::{analyze::Analysis, check::Extra, codegen::util}; use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2; use quote::quote; use rtic_syntax::{analyze::Ownership, ast::App}; use std::collections::HashMap; /// Generates `static` variables and shared resource proxies pub fn codegen( app: &App, analysis: &Analysis, extra: &Extra, ) -> ( // mod_app -- the `static` variables behind the proxies Vec, // mod_resources -- the `resources` module TokenStream2, ) { let mut mod_app = vec![]; let mut mod_resources = vec![]; for (name, res) in &app.shared_resources { let cfgs = &res.cfgs; let ty = &res.ty; let mangled_name = &util::static_shared_resource_ident(name); let attrs = &res.attrs; // late resources in `util::link_section_uninit` // unless user specifies custom link section let section = if attrs.iter().any(|attr| attr.path.is_ident("link_section")) { None } else { Some(util::link_section_uninit()) }; // For future use // let doc = format!(" RTIC internal: {}:{}", file!(), line!()); mod_app.push(quote!( #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)] // #[doc = #doc] #[doc(hidden)] #(#attrs)* #(#cfgs)* #section static #mangled_name: rtic::RacyCell> = rtic::RacyCell::new(core::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit()); )); // For future use // let doc = format!(" RTIC internal: {}:{}", file!(), line!()); let shared_name = util::need_to_lock_ident(name); if ! { mod_resources.push(quote!( // #[doc = #doc] #[doc(hidden)] #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] #(#cfgs)* pub struct #shared_name<'a> { priority: &'a Priority, } #(#cfgs)* impl<'a> #shared_name<'a> { #[inline(always)] pub unsafe fn new(priority: &'a Priority) -> Self { #shared_name { priority } } #[inline(always)] pub unsafe fn priority(&self) -> &Priority { self.priority } } )); let ptr = quote!( #(#cfgs)* #mangled_name.get_mut() as *mut _ ); let ceiling = match analysis.ownerships.get(name) { Some(Ownership::Owned { priority } | Ownership::CoOwned { priority }) => *priority, Some(Ownership::Contended { ceiling }) => *ceiling, None => 0, }; // For future use // let doc = format!(" RTIC internal ({} resource): {}:{}", doc, file!(), line!()); mod_app.push(util::impl_mutex( extra, cfgs, true, &shared_name, "e!(#ty), ceiling, &ptr, )); } } let mod_resources = if mod_resources.is_empty() { quote!() } else { quote!(mod shared_resources { use rtic::export::Priority; #(#mod_resources)* }) }; // Computing mapping of used interrupts to masks let interrupt_ids = analysis.interrupts.iter().map(|(p, (id, _))| (p, id)); let mut prio_to_masks = HashMap::new(); let device = &extra.device; let mut uses_exceptions_with_resources = false; let mut mask_ids = Vec::new(); for (&priority, name) in interrupt_ids.chain(app.hardware_tasks.values().flat_map(|task| { if !util::is_exception(&task.args.binds) { Some((&task.args.priority, &task.args.binds)) } else { // If any resource to the exception uses non-lock-free or non-local resources this is // not allwed on thumbv6. uses_exceptions_with_resources = uses_exceptions_with_resources || task .args .shared_resources .iter() .map(|(ident, access)| { if access.is_exclusive() { if let Some(r) = app.shared_resources.get(ident) { ! } else { false } } else { false } }) .any(|v| v); None } })) { #[allow(clippy::or_fun_call)] let v = prio_to_masks.entry(priority - 1).or_insert(Vec::new()); v.push(quote!(#device::Interrupt::#name as u32)); mask_ids.push(quote!(#device::Interrupt::#name as u32)); } // Call rtic::export::create_mask([Mask; N]), where the array is the list of shifts let mut mask_arr = Vec::new(); // NOTE: 0..3 assumes max 4 priority levels according to M0, M23 spec for i in 0..3 { let v = if let Some(v) = prio_to_masks.get(&i) { v.clone() } else { Vec::new() }; mask_arr.push(quote!( rtic::export::create_mask([#(#v),*]) )); } // Generate a constant for the number of chunks needed by Mask. let chunks_name = util::priority_mask_chunks_ident(); mod_app.push(quote!( #[doc(hidden)] #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)] const #chunks_name: usize = rtic::export::compute_mask_chunks([#(#mask_ids),*]); )); let masks_name = util::priority_masks_ident(); mod_app.push(quote!( #[doc(hidden)] #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)] const #masks_name: [rtic::export::Mask<#chunks_name>; 3] = [#(#mask_arr),*]; )); if uses_exceptions_with_resources { mod_app.push(quote!( #[doc(hidden)] #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)] const __rtic_internal_V6_ERROR: () = rtic::export::no_basepri_panic(); )); } (mod_app, mod_resources) }