use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2; use quote::quote; use rtic_syntax::ast::App; use crate::{analyze::Analysis, check::Extra, codegen::util}; /// Generates timer queues and timer queue handlers pub fn codegen(app: &App, analysis: &Analysis, _extra: &Extra) -> Vec { let mut items = vec![]; if !app.monotonics.is_empty() { let t = util::schedule_t_ident(); // Enumeration of `schedule`-able tasks { let variants = app .software_tasks .iter() .map(|(name, task)| { let cfgs = &task.cfgs; quote!( #(#cfgs)* #name ) }) .collect::>(); let doc = "Tasks that can be scheduled".to_string(); items.push(quote!( #[doc = #doc] #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] #[derive(Clone, Copy)] enum #t { #(#variants,)* } )); } } for (_, monotonic) in &app.monotonics { let monotonic_name = monotonic.ident.to_string(); let tq = util::tq_ident(&monotonic_name); let t = util::schedule_t_ident(); let m = util::mangle_monotonic_type(&monotonic_name); let m_ident = util::monotonic_ident(&monotonic_name); let app_name = &; let app_path = quote! {crate::#app_name}; // Static variables and resource proxy { let doc = &format!("Timer queue for {}", monotonic_name); let cap = app .software_tasks .iter() .map(|(_name, task)| task.args.capacity) .sum(); let n = util::capacity_typenum(cap, false); let tq_ty = quote!(rtic::export::TimerQueue<#m, #t, #n>); items.push(quote!( #[doc = #doc] static mut #tq: #tq_ty = rtic::export::TimerQueue( rtic::export::BinaryHeap( rtic::export::iBinaryHeap::new() ) ); )); let mono = util::monotonic_ident(&monotonic_name); let doc = &format!("Storage for {}", monotonic_name); let mono_ty = quote!(Option<#m>); items.push(quote!( #[doc = #doc] static mut #mono: #mono_ty = None; )); } // Timer queue handler { let enum_ = util::interrupt_ident(); let rt_err = util::rt_err_ident(); let arms = app .software_tasks .iter() .map(|(name, task)| { let cfgs = &task.cfgs; let priority = task.args.priority; let rq = util::rq_ident(priority); let rqt = util::spawn_t_ident(priority); // The interrupt that runs the task dispatcher let interrupt = &analysis.interrupts.get(&priority).expect("RTIC-ICE: interrupt not found").0; let pend = { quote!( rtic::pend(#rt_err::#enum_::#interrupt); ) }; quote!( #(#cfgs)* #t::#name => { rtic::export::interrupt::free(|_| #rq.split().0.enqueue_unchecked((#rqt::#name, index))); #pend } ) }) .collect::>(); let bound_interrupt = &monotonic.args.binds; let disable_isr = if &*bound_interrupt.to_string() == "SysTick" { quote!(core::mem::transmute::<_, cortex_m::peripheral::SYST>(()).disable_interrupt()) } else { quote!(rtic::export::NVIC::mask(#rt_err::#enum_::#bound_interrupt)) }; items.push(quote!( #[no_mangle] #[allow(non_snake_case)] unsafe fn #bound_interrupt() { while let Some((task, index)) = rtic::export::interrupt::free(|_| if let Some(mono) = #app_path::#m_ident.as_mut() { #tq.dequeue(|| #disable_isr, mono) } else { // We can only use the timer queue if `init` has returned, and it // writes the `Some(monotonic)` we are accessing here. core::hint::unreachable_unchecked() }) { match task { #(#arms)* } } } )); } } items }