use std::{fs, path::PathBuf, process::Command}; use compiletest_rs::{common::Mode, Config}; use tempdir::TempDir; #[test] fn cfail() { let mut config = Config::default(); config.mode = Mode::CompileFail; config.src_base = PathBuf::from("tests/cfail"); config.link_deps(); // remove duplicate and trailing `-L` flags let mut s = String::new(); if let Some(flags) = config.target_rustcflags.as_mut() { let mut iter = flags.split_whitespace().peekable(); while let Some(flag) = { if flag == "-L" && (iter.peek() == Some(&"-L") || iter.peek() == None) {; continue; } s += flag; s += " "; } // path to proc-macro crate s += "-L target/debug/deps "; // avoid "error: language item required, but not found: `eh_personality`" s += "-C panic=abort "; } let td = TempDir::new("rtfm").unwrap(); for f in fs::read_dir("tests/cpass").unwrap() { let f = f.unwrap().path(); let name = f.file_stem().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); assert!( Command::new("rustc") .args(s.split_whitespace()) .arg(f.display().to_string()) .arg("-o") .arg(td.path().join(name).display().to_string()) .arg("-C") .arg("linker=true") .status() .unwrap() .success() ); } config.target_rustcflags = Some(s); config.clean_rmeta(); compiletest_rs::run_tests(&config); }