#!/bin/bash if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "No arguments supplied! Provide path to ELF as argument" fi outputfilenamecargo=$1 outputfilename="$outputfilenamecargo".bin logfile=qemu.log qemuexec=qemu-system-riscv32 # Building ESP32-C3 image espflash save-image --chip esp32c3 --merge "$outputfilenamecargo" "$outputfilename" 1>&2 # Get stats esptool.py image_info --version 2 "$outputfilename" 1>&2 # Run in QEMU $qemuexec -nographic -monitor tcp:,server,nowait -icount 3 -machine esp32c3 -drive file="$outputfilename",if=mtd,format=raw -serial file:"$logfile" & # Let it run sleep 3s # Kill QEMU nicely by sending 'q' (quit) over tcp echo q | nc -N 55555 # Output that will be compared must be printed to stdout # Make boot phase silent, for debugging change, run with e.g. $ `env DEBUGGING=true` cargo xtask.... if [ -n "${DEBUGGING}" ]; then # Debugging: strip leading "I (xyz)" where xyz is an incrementing number, and esp_image specifics sed -e 's/esp_image: .*$/esp_image: REDACTED/' -e 's/I\s\([0-9]*\)(.*)/\1/' < $logfile else tail -n +12 "$logfile" | sed -e '/I\s\([0-9]*\)(.*)/d' fi