
Module cc_host_rgf

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  • AES hardware key select
  • This register holds bits 31:0 of K_DR. The value of this register is saved in the CRYPTOCELL AO power domain. Reading from this address returns the K_DR valid status indicating if K_DR is successfully retained.
  • This register holds bits 63:32 of K_DR. The value of this register is saved in the CRYPTOCELL AO power domain.
  • This register holds bits 95:64 of K_DR. The value of this register is saved in the CRYPTOCELL AO power domain.
  • This register holds bits 127:96 of K_DR. The value of this register is saved in the CRYPTOCELL AO power domain.
  • This write-once register is the K_PRTL lock register. When this register is set, K_PRTL can not be used and a zeroed key will be used instead. The value of this register is saved in the CRYPTOCELL AO power domain.
  • Controls lifecycle state (LCS) for CRYPTOCELL subsystem


Type Aliases§

  • HOST_CRYPTOKEY_SEL (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<HOST_CRYPTOKEY_SEL_SPEC>
  • HOST_IOT_KDR0 (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<HOST_IOT_KDR0_SPEC>
  • HOST_IOT_KDR1 (w) register accessor: an alias for Reg<HOST_IOT_KDR1_SPEC>
  • HOST_IOT_KDR2 (w) register accessor: an alias for Reg<HOST_IOT_KDR2_SPEC>
  • HOST_IOT_KDR3 (w) register accessor: an alias for Reg<HOST_IOT_KDR3_SPEC>
  • HOST_IOT_KPRTL_LOCK (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<HOST_IOT_KPRTL_LOCK_SPEC>
  • HOST_IOT_LCS (rw) register accessor: an alias for Reg<HOST_IOT_LCS_SPEC>