1. Preface
  2. RTIC by example
    1. The app
    2. Resources
    3. The init task
    4. The idle task
    5. Defining tasks
      1. Hardware tasks
      2. Software tasks & spawn
      3. Message passing & capacity
      4. Task priorities
      5. Monotonic & spawn_{at/after}
    6. Starting a new project
    7. The minimal app
    8. Tips & Tricks
      1. Implementing Monotonic
      2. Resource de-structure-ing
      3. Avoid copies when message passing
      4. 'static super-powers
      5. Inspecting generated code
      6. Running tasks from RAM
  3. Awesome RTIC examples
  4. Migration Guides
    1. v0.5.x to v1.0.x
    2. v0.4.x to v0.5.x
    3. RTFM to RTIC
  5. Under the hood
    1. Cortex-M architectures