#![no_main] #[rtic::app(device = lm3s6965)] mod app { #[shared] struct Shared {} #[local] struct Local {} #[init] fn init(cx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local, init::Monotonics) { (Shared {}, Local {}, init::Monotonics()) } #[task(binds = GPIOA, priority = 1)] fn gpioa(_: gpioa::Context) {} #[task(binds = GPIOB, priority = 2)] fn gpiob(_: gpiob::Context) {} #[task(binds = GPIOC, priority = 3)] fn gpioc(_: gpioc::Context) {} #[task(binds = GPIOD, priority = 4)] fn gpiod(_: gpiod::Context) {} #[task(binds = GPIOE, priority = 5)] fn gpioe(_: gpioe::Context) {} #[task(binds = UART0, priority = 6)] fn uart0(_: uart0::Context) {} #[task(binds = UART1, priority = 7)] fn uart1(_: uart1::Context) {} // OK, this is the maximum priority supported by the device #[task(binds = SSI0, priority = 8)] fn ssi0(_: ssi0::Context) {} // this value is too high! #[task(binds = I2C0, priority = 9)] fn i2c0(_: i2c0::Context) {} }