Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/rtic-rs/rtic.git synced 2025-03-21 21:46:21 +01:00

Start CI, disable docs building

This commit is contained in:
Emil Fresk 2023-01-08 21:33:44 +01:00 committed by Henrik Tjäder
parent 3cfb95a5db
commit cb588c9128
14 changed files with 299 additions and 313 deletions

View file

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ jobs:
- thumbv6m-none-eabi
- x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- stable
- nightly
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ jobs:
- thumbv8m.base-none-eabi
- thumbv8m.main-none-eabi
- stable
- nightly
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ jobs:
- thumbv7m-none-eabi
- thumbv6m-none-eabi
- stable
- nightly
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ jobs:
- x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- stable
- nightly
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
@ -224,276 +224,276 @@ jobs:
- name: Run cargo test
run: cargo test --test tests
# Build documentation, check links
name: docs
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Cache pip installed linkchecker
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: ~/.cache/pip
key: ${{ runner.os }}-pip
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-pip-
- name: Set up Python 3.x
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
# Semantic version range syntax or exact version of a Python version
python-version: '3.x'
# You can test your matrix by printing the current Python version
- name: Display Python version
run: python -c "import sys; print(sys.version)"
- name: Install dependencies
run: pip install git+https://github.com/linkchecker/linkchecker.git
- name: Remove cargo-config
run: rm -f .cargo/config
- name: Fail on warnings
run: sed -i 's,//deny_warnings_placeholder_for_ci,#![deny(warnings)],' src/lib.rs macros/src/lib.rs
- name: Build docs
run: cargo doc
- name: Check links
run: |
td=$(mktemp -d)
cp -r target/doc $td/api
linkchecker $td/api/rtic/
linkchecker $td/api/cortex_m_rtic_macros/
# Build the books
name: mdbook
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Set up Python 3.x
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
# Semantic version range syntax or exact version of a Python version
python-version: '3.x'
# You can test your matrix by printing the current Python version
- name: Display Python version
run: python -c "import sys; print(sys.version)"
- name: Install dependencies
run: pip install git+https://github.com/linkchecker/linkchecker.git
- name: mdBook Action
uses: peaceiris/actions-mdbook@v1
mdbook-version: 'latest'
- name: Build book in English
shell: 'script --return --quiet --command "bash {0}"'
run: cd book/en && if mdbook build |& tee /dev/tty | grep "\[ERROR\]"; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi
- name: Build book in Russian
shell: 'script --return --quiet --command "bash {0}"'
run: cd book/ru && if mdbook build |& tee /dev/tty | grep "\[ERROR\]"; then echo "Russian book needs updating!"; else exit 0; fi
- name: Check links
run: |
td=$(mktemp -d)
mkdir $td/book
cp -r book/en/book $td/book/en
cp -r book/ru/book $td/book/ru
cp LICENSE-* $td/book/en
cp LICENSE-* $td/book/ru
linkchecker $td/book/en/
linkchecker $td/book/ru/
# Update stable branch
# This needs to run before book is built
name: If CI passes, merge master branch into release/vX
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- style
- check
- clippy
- checkexamples
- testexamples
- checkmacros
- testmacros
- tests
- docs
- mdbook
# Only run this when pushing to master branch
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Get crate version and print output branch release/vX
id: crateversionbranch
# Parse metadata for version number, extract the Semver Major
run: |
VERSION=$(cargo metadata --format-version 1 --no-deps --offline | jq -r '.packages[] | select(.name =="cortex-m-rtic") | .version')
echo "branch=release/v$VERSIONMAJOR" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "versionmajor=$VERSIONMAJOR" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "version=$VERSION" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- uses: everlytic/branch-merge@1.1.5
github_token: ${{ github.token }}
source_ref: 'master'
target_branch: ${{ env.branch }}
commit_message_template: '[Bors] Merged {source_ref} into target {target_branch}'
# Only runs when pushing to master branch
# Bors run CI against staging branch,
# if that succeeds Borst tries against master branch
# If all tests pass, then deploy stage is run
name: deploy
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# Only run this when pushing to master branch
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Set up Python 3.x
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
# Semantic version range syntax or exact version of a Python version
python-version: '3.x'
# You can test your matrix by printing the current Python version
- name: Display Python version
run: python -c "import sys; print(sys.version)"
- name: mdBook Action
uses: peaceiris/actions-mdbook@v1
mdbook-version: 'latest'
- name: Get crate version
id: crateversion
# Parse metadata for version number, extract the Semver Major
run: |
VERSION=$(cargo metadata --format-version 1 --no-deps --offline | jq -r '.packages[] | select(.name =="cortex-m-rtic") | .version')
echo "branch=release/v$VERSIONMAJOR" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "versionmajor=$VERSIONMAJOR" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "version=$VERSION" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Remove cargo-config
run: rm -f .cargo/config
- name: Build docs
run: cargo doc
- name: Build books
shell: 'script --return --quiet --command "bash {0}"'
run: |
langs=( en ru )
devver=( dev )
# The latest stable must be the first element in the array
vers=( "1" "0.5" "0.4" )
# All releases start with "v"
# followed by MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, see semver.org
# Store first in array as stable
crateversion={{ env.versionmajor }}
echo "Latest stable version: $stable"
echo "Current crate version: $crateversion"
# Create directories
td=$(mktemp -d)
mkdir -p $td/$devver/book/
cp -r target/doc $td/$devver/api
# Redirect rtic.rs/meeting/index.html to hackmd
mkdir $td/meeting
sed "s|URL|https://hackmd.io/c_mFUZL-Q2C6614MlrrxOg|g" redirect.html > $td/meeting/index.html
sed -i "s|Page Redirection|RTIC Meeting|" $td/meeting/index.html
sed -i "s|If you|Redirecting to RTIC HackMD. If you|" $td/meeting/index.html
# Redirect the main site to the stable release
sed "s|URL|$stable|g" redirect.html > $td/index.html
# Create the redirects for dev-version
# If the current stable and the version being built differ,
# then there is a dev-version and the links should point to it.
if [[ "$stable" != "$crateversion" ]];
sed 's|URL|rtic/index.html|g' redirect.html > $td/$devver/api/index.html
sed 's|URL|book/en|g' redirect.html > $td/$devver/index.html
# If the current stable and the "dev" version in master branch
# share the same major version, redirect dev/ to stable book
sed 's|URL|rtic.rs/$stable/api/rtic|g' redirect.html > $td/$devver/api/index.html
sed 's|URL|rtic.rs/$stable|g' redirect.html > $td/$devver/index.html
# Build books
for lang in ${langs[@]}; do
( cd book/$lang &&
if mdbook build |& tee /dev/tty | grep "\[ERROR\]"; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi
cp -r book/$lang/book $td/$devver/book/$lang
cp LICENSE-* $td/$devver/book/$lang/
# Build older versions, including stable
for ver in ${vers[@]}; do
mkdir -p $td/$prefix/book
src=$(mktemp -d)
curl -L https://github.com/rtic-rs/cortex-m-rtic/archive/release/v${ver}.tar.gz | tar xz --strip-components 1 -C $src
pushd $src
rm -f .cargo/config
cargo doc || cargo doc --features timer-queue
cp -r target/doc $td/$prefix/api
sed 's|URL|rtic/index.html|g' $root/redirect.html > $td/$prefix/api/index.html
for lang in ${langs[@]}; do
( cd book/$lang &&
if mdbook build |& tee /dev/tty | grep "\[ERROR\]"; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi
cp -r book/$lang/book $td/$prefix/book/$lang
cp LICENSE-* $td/$prefix/book/$lang/
sed 's|URL|book/en|g' $root/redirect.html > $td/$prefix/index.html
rm -rf $src
# Copy the stable book to the stable alias
cp -r $td/$stable $td/stable
# Forward CNAME file
cp CNAME $td/
mv $td/ bookstodeploy
- name: Deploy to GH-pages
uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
publish_dir: ./bookstodeploy
force_orphan: true
# # Build documentation, check links
# docs:
# name: docs
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Cache pip installed linkchecker
# uses: actions/cache@v3
# with:
# path: ~/.cache/pip
# key: ${{ runner.os }}-pip
# restore-keys: |
# ${{ runner.os }}-pip-
# - name: Set up Python 3.x
# uses: actions/setup-python@v4
# with:
# # Semantic version range syntax or exact version of a Python version
# python-version: '3.x'
# # You can test your matrix by printing the current Python version
# - name: Display Python version
# run: python -c "import sys; print(sys.version)"
# - name: Install dependencies
# run: pip install git+https://github.com/linkchecker/linkchecker.git
# - name: Remove cargo-config
# run: rm -f .cargo/config
# - name: Fail on warnings
# run: sed -i 's,//deny_warnings_placeholder_for_ci,#![deny(warnings)],' src/lib.rs macros/src/lib.rs
# - name: Build docs
# run: cargo doc
# - name: Check links
# run: |
# td=$(mktemp -d)
# cp -r target/doc $td/api
# linkchecker $td/api/rtic/
# linkchecker $td/api/cortex_m_rtic_macros/
# # Build the books
# mdbook:
# name: mdbook
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Set up Python 3.x
# uses: actions/setup-python@v4
# with:
# # Semantic version range syntax or exact version of a Python version
# python-version: '3.x'
# # You can test your matrix by printing the current Python version
# - name: Display Python version
# run: python -c "import sys; print(sys.version)"
# - name: Install dependencies
# run: pip install git+https://github.com/linkchecker/linkchecker.git
# - name: mdBook Action
# uses: peaceiris/actions-mdbook@v1
# with:
# mdbook-version: 'latest'
# - name: Build book in English
# shell: 'script --return --quiet --command "bash {0}"'
# run: cd book/en && if mdbook build |& tee /dev/tty | grep "\[ERROR\]"; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi
# - name: Build book in Russian
# shell: 'script --return --quiet --command "bash {0}"'
# run: cd book/ru && if mdbook build |& tee /dev/tty | grep "\[ERROR\]"; then echo "Russian book needs updating!"; else exit 0; fi
# - name: Check links
# run: |
# td=$(mktemp -d)
# mkdir $td/book
# cp -r book/en/book $td/book/en
# cp -r book/ru/book $td/book/ru
# cp LICENSE-* $td/book/en
# cp LICENSE-* $td/book/ru
# linkchecker $td/book/en/
# linkchecker $td/book/ru/
# # Update stable branch
# #
# # This needs to run before book is built
# mergetostablebranch:
# name: If CI passes, merge master branch into release/vX
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# needs:
# - style
# - check
# - clippy
# - checkexamples
# - testexamples
# - checkmacros
# - testmacros
# - tests
# - docs
# - mdbook
# # Only run this when pushing to master branch
# if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Get crate version and print output branch release/vX
# id: crateversionbranch
# # Parse metadata for version number, extract the Semver Major
# run: |
# VERSION=$(cargo metadata --format-version 1 --no-deps --offline | jq -r '.packages[] | select(.name =="cortex-m-rtic") | .version')
# echo "branch=release/v$VERSIONMAJOR" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "versionmajor=$VERSIONMAJOR" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "version=$VERSION" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# - uses: everlytic/branch-merge@1.1.5
# with:
# github_token: ${{ github.token }}
# source_ref: 'master'
# target_branch: ${{ env.branch }}
# commit_message_template: '[Bors] Merged {source_ref} into target {target_branch}'
# # Only runs when pushing to master branch
# # Bors run CI against staging branch,
# # if that succeeds Borst tries against master branch
# # If all tests pass, then deploy stage is run
# deploy:
# name: deploy
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# needs:
# mergetostablebranch
# # Only run this when pushing to master branch
# if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Set up Python 3.x
# uses: actions/setup-python@v4
# with:
# # Semantic version range syntax or exact version of a Python version
# python-version: '3.x'
# # You can test your matrix by printing the current Python version
# - name: Display Python version
# run: python -c "import sys; print(sys.version)"
# - name: mdBook Action
# uses: peaceiris/actions-mdbook@v1
# with:
# mdbook-version: 'latest'
# - name: Get crate version
# id: crateversion
# # Parse metadata for version number, extract the Semver Major
# run: |
# VERSION=$(cargo metadata --format-version 1 --no-deps --offline | jq -r '.packages[] | select(.name =="cortex-m-rtic") | .version')
# echo "branch=release/v$VERSIONMAJOR" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "versionmajor=$VERSIONMAJOR" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "version=$VERSION" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# - name: Remove cargo-config
# run: rm -f .cargo/config
# - name: Build docs
# run: cargo doc
# - name: Build books
# shell: 'script --return --quiet --command "bash {0}"'
# run: |
# langs=( en ru )
# devver=( dev )
# # The latest stable must be the first element in the array
# vers=( "1" "0.5" "0.4" )
# # All releases start with "v"
# # followed by MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, see semver.org
# # Store first in array as stable
# stable=${vers}
# crateversion={{ env.versionmajor }}
# echo "Latest stable version: $stable"
# echo "Current crate version: $crateversion"
# # Create directories
# td=$(mktemp -d)
# mkdir -p $td/$devver/book/
# cp -r target/doc $td/$devver/api
# # Redirect rtic.rs/meeting/index.html to hackmd
# mkdir $td/meeting
# sed "s|URL|https://hackmd.io/c_mFUZL-Q2C6614MlrrxOg|g" redirect.html > $td/meeting/index.html
# sed -i "s|Page Redirection|RTIC Meeting|" $td/meeting/index.html
# sed -i "s|If you|Redirecting to RTIC HackMD. If you|" $td/meeting/index.html
# # Redirect the main site to the stable release
# sed "s|URL|$stable|g" redirect.html > $td/index.html
# # Create the redirects for dev-version
# # If the current stable and the version being built differ,
# # then there is a dev-version and the links should point to it.
# if [[ "$stable" != "$crateversion" ]];
# then
# sed 's|URL|rtic/index.html|g' redirect.html > $td/$devver/api/index.html
# sed 's|URL|book/en|g' redirect.html > $td/$devver/index.html
# else
# # If the current stable and the "dev" version in master branch
# # share the same major version, redirect dev/ to stable book
# sed 's|URL|rtic.rs/$stable/api/rtic|g' redirect.html > $td/$devver/api/index.html
# sed 's|URL|rtic.rs/$stable|g' redirect.html > $td/$devver/index.html
# fi
# # Build books
# for lang in ${langs[@]}; do
# ( cd book/$lang &&
# if mdbook build |& tee /dev/tty | grep "\[ERROR\]"; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi
# )
# cp -r book/$lang/book $td/$devver/book/$lang
# cp LICENSE-* $td/$devver/book/$lang/
# done
# # Build older versions, including stable
# root=$(pwd)
# for ver in ${vers[@]}; do
# prefix=${ver}
# mkdir -p $td/$prefix/book
# src=$(mktemp -d)
# curl -L https://github.com/rtic-rs/cortex-m-rtic/archive/release/v${ver}.tar.gz | tar xz --strip-components 1 -C $src
# pushd $src
# rm -f .cargo/config
# cargo doc || cargo doc --features timer-queue
# cp -r target/doc $td/$prefix/api
# sed 's|URL|rtic/index.html|g' $root/redirect.html > $td/$prefix/api/index.html
# for lang in ${langs[@]}; do
# ( cd book/$lang &&
# if mdbook build |& tee /dev/tty | grep "\[ERROR\]"; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi
# )
# cp -r book/$lang/book $td/$prefix/book/$lang
# cp LICENSE-* $td/$prefix/book/$lang/
# done
# sed 's|URL|book/en|g' $root/redirect.html > $td/$prefix/index.html
# popd
# rm -rf $src
# done
# # Copy the stable book to the stable alias
# cp -r $td/$stable $td/stable
# # Forward CNAME file
# cp CNAME $td/
# mv $td/ bookstodeploy
# - name: Deploy to GH-pages
# uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
# with:
# github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# publish_dir: ./bookstodeploy
# force_orphan: true
# Refs: https://github.com/rust-lang/crater/blob/9ab6f9697c901c4a44025cf0a39b73ad5b37d198/.github/workflows/bors.yml#L125-L149
@ -511,8 +511,8 @@ jobs:
- checkmacros
- testmacros
- tests
- docs
- mdbook
# - docs
# - mdbook
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- name: Mark the job as a success

View file

@ -18,9 +18,7 @@ fn main() {
} else if target.starts_with("thumb")
&& !(target.starts_with("thumbv6m") | target.starts_with("thumbv8m.base"))
"Unknown target '{target}'. Need to update BASEPRI logic in build.rs."
panic!("Unknown target '{target}'. Need to update BASEPRI logic in build.rs.");

View file

@ -84,9 +84,7 @@ pub fn codegen(app: &App, analysis: &Analysis) -> TokenStream2 {
if level > 0 {
let doc = format!(
"Interrupt handler to dispatch async tasks at priority {level}"
let doc = format!("Interrupt handler to dispatch async tasks at priority {level}");
let attribute = &interrupts.get(&level).expect("UNREACHABLE").1.attrs;

View file

@ -39,9 +39,7 @@ impl HardwareTask {
"this task handler must have type signature `fn({name}::Context)`"
format!("this task handler must have type signature `fn({name}::Context)`"),
@ -82,9 +80,7 @@ impl HardwareTask {
"this task handler must have type signature `fn({name}::Context)`"
format!("this task handler must have type signature `fn({name}::Context)`"),

View file

@ -34,9 +34,7 @@ impl Idle {
"this `#[idle]` function must have signature `fn({name}::Context) -> !`"
format!("this `#[idle]` function must have signature `fn({name}::Context) -> !`"),

View file

@ -33,9 +33,7 @@ impl SoftwareTask {
"this task handler must have type signature `async fn({name}::Context)`"
format!("this task handler must have type signature `async fn({name}::Context)`"),
@ -70,9 +68,7 @@ impl SoftwareTask {
"this task handler must have type signature `async fn({name}::Context)`"
format!("this task handler must have type signature `async fn({name}::Context)`"),

View file

@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ pub unsafe fn lock<T, R, const M: usize>(
if ceiling >= 4 {
// safe to manipulate outside critical section
// execute closure under protection of raised system ceiling
// safe to manipulate outside critical section
interrupt::free(|_| f(&mut *ptr))
} else {

View file

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ mod app {
struct Local {}
fn init(cx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local, init::Monotonics) {
(Shared {}, Local {}, init::Monotonics())
fn init(cx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local) {
(Shared {}, Local {})
#[task(binds = NonMaskableInt)]

View file

@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ mod app {
struct Local {}
fn init(cx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local, init::Monotonics) {
(Shared {}, Local {}, init::Monotonics())
fn init(cx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local) {
(Shared {}, Local {})
fn a(_: a::Context) {}
async fn a(_: a::Context) {}

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
error: not enough interrupts to dispatch all software tasks (need: 1; given: 0)
--> ui/extern-interrupt-not-enough.rs:17:8
--> ui/extern-interrupt-not-enough.rs:17:14
17 | fn a(_: a::Context) {}
| ^
17 | async fn a(_: a::Context) {}
| ^

View file

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ mod app {
struct Local {}
fn init(cx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local, init::Monotonics) {
(Shared {}, Local {}, init::Monotonics())
fn init(cx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local) {
(Shared {}, Local {})
#[task(binds = UART0)]

View file

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ mod app {
struct Local {}
fn init(cx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local, init::Monotonics) {
(Shared {}, Local {}, init::Monotonics())
fn init(cx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local) {
(Shared {}, Local {})
#[task(binds = GPIOA, priority = 1)]

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
warning: unused variable: `cx`
--> ui/task-priority-too-high.rs:12:13
12 | fn init(cx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local, init::Monotonics) {
12 | fn init(cx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local) {
| ^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: `_cx`
= note: `#[warn(unused_variables)]` on by default

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ mod app {
struct Local {}
fn init(cx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local, init::Monotonics) {
(Shared {}, Local {}, init::Monotonics())
fn init(cx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local) {
(Shared {}, Local {})