2020-12-03 21:04:06 +01:00
// use core::{
// cmp::{self, Ordering},
// convert::TryInto,
// mem,
// ops::Sub,
// };
// use cortex_m::peripheral::{SCB, SYST};
// use heapless::{binary_heap::Min, ArrayLength, BinaryHeap};
// use crate::Monotonic;
// pub struct TimerQueue<M, T, N>(pub BinaryHeap<NotReady<M, T>, N, Min>)
// where
// M: Monotonic,
// <M::Instant as Sub>::Output: TryInto<u32>,
// N: ArrayLength<NotReady<M, T>>,
// T: Copy;
// impl<M, T, N> TimerQueue<M, T, N>
// where
// M: Monotonic,
// <M::Instant as Sub>::Output: TryInto<u32>,
// N: ArrayLength<NotReady<M, T>>,
// T: Copy,
// {
// /// # Safety
// ///
// /// Writing to memory with a transmute in order to enable
// /// interrupts of the SysTick timer
// ///
// /// Enqueue a task without checking if it is full
// #[inline]
// pub unsafe fn enqueue_unchecked(&mut self, nr: NotReady<M, T>) {
// let mut is_empty = true;
// // Check if the top contains a non-empty element and if that element is
// // greater than nr
// let if_heap_max_greater_than_nr = self
// .0
// .peek()
// .map(|head| {
// is_empty = false;
// nr.instant < head.instant
// })
// .unwrap_or(true);
// if if_heap_max_greater_than_nr {
// if is_empty {
// mem::transmute::<_, SYST>(()).enable_interrupt();
// }
// // Set SysTick pending
// SCB::set_pendst();
// }
// self.0.push_unchecked(nr);
// }
// /// Dequeue a task from the TimerQueue
// #[inline]
// pub fn dequeue(&mut self) -> Option<(T, u8)> {
// unsafe {
// if let Some(instant) = self.0.peek().map(|p| p.instant) {
// let now = M::now();
// if instant < now {
// // task became ready
// let nr = self.0.pop_unchecked();
// Some((nr.task, nr.index))
// } else {
// // set a new timeout
// const MAX: u32 = 0x00ffffff;
// let ratio = M::ratio();
// let dur = match (instant - now).try_into().ok().and_then(|x| {
// x.checked_mul(ratio.numerator)
// .map(|x| x / ratio.denominator)
// }) {
// None => MAX,
// // ARM Architecture Reference Manual says:
// // "Setting SYST_RVR to zero has the effect of
// // disabling the SysTick counter independently
// // of the counter enable bit."
// Some(0) => 1,
// Some(x) => cmp::min(MAX, x),
// };
// mem::transmute::<_, SYST>(()).set_reload(dur);
// // Start counting down from the new reload
// mem::transmute::<_, SYST>(()).clear_current();
// None
// }
// } else {
// // The queue is empty
// mem::transmute::<_, SYST>(()).disable_interrupt();
// None
// }
// }
// }
// }
// pub struct NotReady<M, T>
// where
// T: Copy,
// M: Monotonic,
// <M::Instant as Sub>::Output: TryInto<u32>,
// {
// pub index: u8,
// pub instant: M::Instant,
// pub task: T,
// }
// impl<M, T> Eq for NotReady<M, T>
// where
// T: Copy,
// M: Monotonic,
// <M::Instant as Sub>::Output: TryInto<u32>,
// {
// }
// impl<M, T> Ord for NotReady<M, T>
// where
// T: Copy,
// M: Monotonic,
// <M::Instant as Sub>::Output: TryInto<u32>,
// {
// fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
// self.instant.cmp(&other.instant)
// }
// }
// impl<M, T> PartialEq for NotReady<M, T>
// where
// T: Copy,
// M: Monotonic,
// <M::Instant as Sub>::Output: TryInto<u32>,
// {
// fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
// self.instant == other.instant
// }
// }
// impl<M, T> PartialOrd for NotReady<M, T>
// where
// T: Copy,
// M: Monotonic,
// <M::Instant as Sub>::Output: TryInto<u32>,
// {
// fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
// Some(self.cmp(&other))
// }
// }