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</div></details><h2 id="structs" class="section-header">Structs<a href="#structs" class="anchor">§</a></h2><ul class="item-table"><li><div class="item-name"><a class="struct" href="struct.IC_ENABLE_SPEC.html" title="struct rp2040_pac::i2c0::ic_enable::IC_ENABLE_SPEC">IC_<wbr>ENABLE_<wbr>SPEC</a></div><div class="desc docblock-short">I2C Enable Register</div></li></ul><h2 id="enums" class="section-header">Enums<a href="#enums" class="anchor">§</a></h2><ul class="item-table"><li><div class="item-name"><a class="enum" href="enum.ABORT_A.html" title="enum rp2040_pac::i2c0::ic_enable::ABORT_A">ABORT_A</a></div><div class="desc docblock-short">When set, the controller initiates the transfer abort. - 0: ABORT not initiated or ABORT done - 1: ABORT operation in progress The software can abort the I2C transfer in master mode by setting this bit. The software can set this bit only when ENABLE is already set; otherwise, the controller ignores any write to ABORT bit. The software cannot clear the ABORT bit once set. In response to an ABORT, the controller issues a STOP and flushes the Tx FIFO after completing the current transfer, then sets the TX_ABORT interrupt after the abort operation. The ABORT bit is cleared automatically after the abort operation.</div></li><li><div class="item-name"><a class="enum" href="enum.ENABLE_A.html" title="enum rp2040_pac::i2c0::ic_enable::ENABLE_A">ENABLE_<wbr>A</a></div><div class="desc docblock-short">Controls whether the DW_apb_i2c is enabled. - 0: Disables DW_apb_i2c (TX and RX FIFOs are held in an erased state) - 1: Enables DW_apb_i2c Software can disable DW_apb_i2c while it is active. However, it is important that care be taken to ensure that DW_apb_i2c is disabled properly. A recommended procedure is described in ‘Disabling DW_apb_i2c’.</div></li><li><div class="item-name"><a class="enum" href="enum.TX_CMD_BLOCK_A.html" title="enum rp2040_pac::i2c0::ic_enable::TX_CMD_BLOCK_A">TX_<wbr>CMD_<wbr>BLOCK_<wbr>A</a></div><div class="desc docblock-short">In Master mode: - 1’b1: Blocks the transmission of data on I2C bus even if Tx FIFO has data to transmit. - 1’b0: The transmission of data starts on I2C bus automatically, as soon as the first data is available in the Tx FIFO. Note: To block the execution of Master commands, set the TX_CMD_BLOCK bit only when Tx FIFO is empty (IC_STATUS[2]==1) and Master is in Idle state (IC_STATUS[5]
== 0). Any further commands put in the Tx FIFO are not executed until TX_CMD_BLOCK bit is unset. Reset value: IC_TX_CMD_BLOCK_DEFAULT</div></li></ul><h2 id="types" class="section-header">Type Aliases<a href="#types" class="anchor">§</a></h2><ul class="item-table"><li><div class="item-name"><a class="type" href="type.ABORT_R.html" title="type rp2040_pac::i2c0::ic_enable::ABORT_R">ABORT_R</a></div><div class="desc docblock-short">Field <code>ABORT</code> reader - When set, the controller initiates the transfer abort. - 0: ABORT not initiated or ABORT done - 1: ABORT operation in progress The software can abort the I2C transfer in master mode by setting this bit. The software can set this bit only when ENABLE is already set; otherwise, the controller ignores any write to ABORT bit. The software cannot clear the ABORT bit once set. In response to an ABORT, the controller issues a STOP and flushes the Tx FIFO after completing the current transfer, then sets the TX_ABORT interrupt after the abort operation. The ABORT bit is cleared automatically after the abort operation.</div></li><li><div class="item-name"><a class="type" href="type.ABORT_W.html" title="type rp2040_pac::i2c0::ic_enable::ABORT_W">ABORT_W</a></div><div class="desc docblock-short">Field <code>ABORT</code> writer - When set, the controller initiates the transfer abort. - 0: ABORT not initiated or ABORT done - 1: ABORT operation in progress The software can abort the I2C transfer in master mode by setting this bit. The software can set this bit only when ENABLE is already set; otherwise, the controller ignores any write to ABORT bit. The software cannot clear the ABORT bit once set. In response to an ABORT, the controller issues a STOP and flushes the Tx FIFO after completing the current transfer, then sets the TX_ABORT interrupt after the abort operation. The ABORT bit is cleared automatically after the abort operation.</div></li><li><div class="item-name"><a class="type" href="type.ENABLE_R.html" title="type rp2040_pac::i2c0::ic_enable::ENABLE_R">ENABLE_<wbr>R</a></div><div class="desc docblock-short">Field <code>ENABLE</code> reader - Controls whether the DW_apb_i2c is enabled. - 0: Disables DW_apb_i2c (TX and RX FIFOs are held in an erased state) - 1: Enables DW_apb_i2c Software can disable DW_apb_i2c while it is active. However, it is important that care be taken to ensure that DW_apb_i2c is disabled properly. A recommended procedure is described in ‘Disabling DW_apb_i2c’.</div></li><li><div class="item-name"><a class="type" href="type.ENABLE_W.html" title="type rp2040_pac::i2c0::ic_enable::ENABLE_W">ENABLE_<wbr>W</a></div><div class="desc docblock-short">Field <code>ENABLE</code> writer - Controls whether the DW_apb_i2c is enabled. - 0: Disables DW_apb_i2c (TX and RX FIFOs are held in an erased state) - 1: Enables DW_apb_i2c Software can disable DW_apb_i2c while it is active. However, it is important that care be taken to ensure that DW_apb_i2c is disabled properly. A recommended procedure is described in ‘Disabling DW_apb_i2c’.</div></li><li><div class="item-name"><a class="type" href="type.R.html" title="type rp2040_pac::i2c0::ic_enable::R">R</a></div><div class="desc docblock-short">Register <code>IC_ENABLE</code> reader</div></li><li><div class="item-name"><a class="type" href="type.TX_CMD_BLOCK_R.html" title="type rp2040_pac::i2c0::ic_enable::TX_CMD_BLOCK_R">TX_<wbr>CMD_<wbr>BLOCK_<wbr>R</a></div><div class="desc docblock-short">Field <code>TX_CMD_BLOCK</code> reader - In Master mode: - 1’b1: Blocks the transmission of data on I2C bus even if Tx FIFO has data to transmit. - 1’b0: The transmission of data starts on I2C bus automatically, as soon as the first data is available in the Tx FIFO. Note: To block the execution of Master commands, set the TX_CMD_BLOCK bit only when Tx FIFO is empty (IC_STATUS[2]==1) and Master is in Idle state (IC_STATUS[5]
== 0). Any further commands put in the Tx FIFO are not executed until TX_CMD_BLOCK bit is unset. Reset value: IC_TX_CMD_BLOCK_DEFAULT</div></li><li><div class="item-name"><a class="type" href="type.TX_CMD_BLOCK_W.html" title="type rp2040_pac::i2c0::ic_enable::TX_CMD_BLOCK_W">TX_<wbr>CMD_<wbr>BLOCK_<wbr>W</a></div><div class="desc docblock-short">Field <code>TX_CMD_BLOCK</code> writer - In Master mode: - 1’b1: Blocks the transmission of data on I2C bus even if Tx FIFO has data to transmit. - 1’b0: The transmission of data starts on I2C bus automatically, as soon as the first data is available in the Tx FIFO. Note: To block the execution of Master commands, set the TX_CMD_BLOCK bit only when Tx FIFO is empty (IC_STATUS[2]==1) and Master is in Idle state (IC_STATUS[5]
== 0). Any further commands put in the Tx FIFO are not executed until TX_CMD_BLOCK bit is unset. Reset value: IC_TX_CMD_BLOCK_DEFAULT</div></li><li><div class="item-name"><a class="type" href="type.W.html" title="type rp2040_pac::i2c0::ic_enable::W">W</a></div><div class="desc docblock-short">Register <code>IC_ENABLE</code> writer</div></li></ul></section></div></main></body></html>