mirror of
synced 2024-11-30 15:34:33 +01:00
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use panic_halt as _;
#[rtic::app(device = stm32f4xx_hal::pac, peripherals = true)]
mod app {
use stm32f4xx_hal::{
gpio::{self, Edge, Input, Output, PushPull},
rtc::{Rtc, Event},
use defmt_rtt as _;
// Resources shared between tasks
struct Shared {
delayval: u32,
rtc: Rtc,
// Local resources to specific tasks (cannot be shared)
struct Local {
button: gpio::PA0<Input>,
led: gpio::PC13<Output<PushPull>>,
delay: timer::DelayMs<TIM1>,
fn init(ctx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local) {
let mut dp = ctx.device;
// Configure and obtain handle for delay abstraction
// 1) Promote RCC structure to HAL to be able to configure clocks
let rcc = dp.RCC.constrain();
// 2) Configure the system clocks
// 25 MHz must be used for HSE on the Blackpill-STM32F411CE board according to manual
let clocks = rcc.cfgr.use_hse(25.MHz()).freeze();
//Configure RTC
let mut rtc = Rtc::new(dp.RTC, &mut dp.PWR);
//Set date and time
let _ = rtc.set_year(2023);
let _ = rtc.set_month(11);
let _ = rtc.set_day(25);
let _ = rtc.set_hours(22);
let _ = rtc.set_minutes(46);
let _ = rtc.set_seconds(00);
//Start listening to WAKE UP INTERRUPTS
rtc.listen(&mut dp.EXTI, Event::Wakeup);
// 3) Create delay handle
let delay = dp.TIM1.delay_ms(&clocks);
// Configure the LED pin as a push pull ouput and obtain handle
// On the Blackpill STM32F411CEU6 there is an on-board LED connected to pin PC13
// 1) Promote the GPIOC PAC struct
let gpioc = dp.GPIOC.split();
// 2) Configure PORTC OUTPUT Pins and Obtain Handle
let led = gpioc.pc13.into_push_pull_output();
// Configure the button pin as input and obtain handle
// On the Blackpill STM32F411CEU6 there is a button connected to pin PA0
// 1) Promote the GPIOA PAC struct
let gpioa: gpio::gpioa::Parts = dp.GPIOA.split();
// 2) Configure Pin and Obtain Handle
let mut button = gpioa.pa0.into_pull_up_input();
// Configure Button Pin for Interrupts
// 1) Promote SYSCFG structure to HAL to be able to configure interrupts
let mut syscfg = dp.SYSCFG.constrain();
// 2) Make button an interrupt source
button.make_interrupt_source(&mut syscfg);
// 3) Configure the interruption to be triggered on a rising edge
button.trigger_on_edge(&mut dp.EXTI, Edge::Rising);
// 4) Enable gpio interrupt for button
button.enable_interrupt(&mut dp.EXTI);
// Initialization of shared resources
Shared { delayval: 2000_u32, rtc},
// Initialization of task local resources
Local { button, led, delay},
// Background task, runs whenever no other tasks are running
#[idle(local = [led, delay], shared = [delayval])]
fn idle(mut ctx: idle::Context) -> ! {
let led = ctx.local.led;
let delay = ctx.local.delay;
loop {
// Turn On LED
// Obtain shared delay variable and delay
delay.delay_ms(ctx.shared.delayval.lock(|del| *del));
// Turn off LED
// Obtain shared delay variable and delay
delay.delay_ms(ctx.shared.delayval.lock(|del| *del));
#[task(binds = EXTI0, local = [button], shared=[delayval, rtc])]
fn gpio_interrupt_handler(mut ctx: gpio_interrupt_handler::Context) {
ctx.shared.delayval.lock(|del| {
*del = *del - 100_u32;
if *del < 200_u32 {
*del = 2000_u32;
let current_time = rtc.get_datetime();
defmt::info!("CURRENT TIME {:?}", current_time.as_hms());
#[task(binds = RTC_WKUP, shared = [rtc])]
fn rtc_wakeup(mut ctx: rtc_wakeup::Context) {
defmt::warn!("RTC INTERRUPT!!!!");
let current_time = rtc.get_datetime();
defmt::info!("Current time {:?}", current_time.as_hms() );
// Your RTC wakeup interrupt handling code here