Systemsicherheit/Assignment 7 - SGX Hands-on/rsa/rsa.c
Sascha Tommasone 5616ddc4e5
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[Assignment-7] add rsa_verify
2024-06-29 16:46:07 +02:00

161 lines
3.9 KiB

#include "rsa.h"
#include <gmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
static int random_prime(mpz_t prime, const size_t size) {
u8 tmp[size];
FILE *urandom = fopen("/dev/urandom", "rb");
if((urandom == NULL) || (prime == NULL))
return 0;
fread(tmp, 1, size, urandom);
mpz_import(prime, size, 1, 1, 1, 0, tmp);
mpz_nextprime(prime, prime);
return 1;
static int rsa_keygen(rsa_key *key) {
if(key == NULL)
return 0;
// init bignums
mpz_init_set_ui(key->e, 65537);
mpz_inits(key->p, key->q, key->n, key->d, NULL);
// prime gen
if ((!random_prime(key->p, MODULUS_SIZE/2)) || (!random_prime(key->q, MODULUS_SIZE/2)))
return 0;
//printf("%d\n", mpz_probab_prime_p(key->p, 50));
//printf("%d\n", mpz_probab_prime_p(key->q, 50));
// compute n
mpz_mul(key->n, key->p, key->q);
// compute phi(n)
mpz_t phi_n; mpz_init(phi_n);
mpz_sub_ui(key->p, key->p, 1);
mpz_sub_ui(key->q, key->q, 1);
mpz_mul(phi_n, key->p, key->q);
mpz_add_ui(key->p, key->p, 1);
mpz_add_ui(key->q, key->q, 1);
// compute d
if(mpz_invert(key->d, key->e, phi_n) == 0) {
return 0;
// free temporary phi_n and return true
return 1;
int rsa_init(rsa_key *key) {
if(1) {
return rsa_keygen(key);
} else {
// TODO: get from sealing
void rsa_free(rsa_key *key) {
// free bignums
mpz_clears(key->p, key->q, key->n, key->e, key->d, NULL);
static int pkcs1(mpz_t message, const u8 *data, const size_t length) {
// temporary buffer
u8 padded_bytes[MODULUS_SIZE];
// calculate padding size (how many 0xff bytes)
size_t padding_length = MODULUS_SIZE - length - 3;
if ((padding_length < 8) || (message == NULL) || (data == NULL)) {
// message to big
// or null pointer
return 0;
// set padding bytes
padded_bytes[0] = 0x00;
padded_bytes[1] = 0x01;
padded_bytes[2 + padding_length] = 0x00;
for (size_t i = 2; i < padding_length + 2; i++) {
padded_bytes[i] = 0xff;
// copy message bytes
memcpy(padded_bytes + padding_length + 3, data, length);
// convert padded message to mpz_t
mpz_import(message, MODULUS_SIZE, 1, 1, 0, 0, padded_bytes);
return 1;
// TODO RSA Blinding
int rsa_sign(u8 *sig, const u8 *sha256, const rsa_key *key) {
// null pointer handling
if((sig == NULL) || (sha256 == NULL) || (key == NULL))
return 0;
// init bignum message
mpz_t message; mpz_init(message);
// add padding
if(!pkcs1(message, sha256, 32)) {
return 0;
// compute signature
mpz_powm(message, message, key->d, key->n);
// export signature
size_t size = (mpz_sizeinbase(message, 2) + 7) / 8;
mpz_export(sig, &size, 1, 1, 0, 0, message);
// free bignum and return true
return 1;
int rsa_verify(const u8 *sig, const size_t sig_length, u8 *sha256, rsa_public_key *pk) {
// null pointer handling
if((sig == NULL) || (sha256 == NULL) || (pk == NULL))
return 0;
// initialize bignums
mpz_t signature, message; mpz_inits(signature, message, NULL);
// import signature
mpz_import(signature, (sig_length < MODULUS_SIZE) ? sig_length : MODULUS_SIZE, 1, 1, 0, 0, sig);
// revert rsa signing process
mpz_powm(signature, signature, pk->e, pk->n);
// rebuild signed message
if(!pkcs1(message, sha256, 32))
return 0;
// compare signature with expected value
if(mpz_cmp(signature, message) != 0)
return 0;
// free bignums and return valid signature
mpz_clears(signature, message, NULL);
return 1;
void rsa_print(rsa_key *key) {
gmp_printf("%Zu\n", key->p);
gmp_printf("%Zu\n", key->q);
gmp_printf("%Zu\n", key->n);
gmp_printf("%Zu\n", key->e);
gmp_printf("%Zu\n", key->d);