#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import pkgutil import os import sys import threading import socket import socks import ssl import time import select import errno # TODO: implement verbose output # some code snippets, as well as the original idea, from Black Hat Python def is_valid_ip4(ip): # some rudimentary checks if ip is actually a valid IP octets = ip.split('.') if len(octets) != 4: return False return octets[0] != 0 and all(0 <= int(octet) <= 255 for octet in octets) def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Simple TCP proxy for data ' + 'interception and ' + 'modification. ' + 'Select modules to handle ' + 'the intercepted traffic.') parser.add_argument('-ti', '--targetip', dest='target_ip', help='remote target IP or host name') parser.add_argument('-tp', '--targetport', dest='target_port', type=int, help='remote target port') parser.add_argument('-li', '--listenip', dest='listen_ip', default='', help='IP address/host name to listen for ' + 'incoming data') parser.add_argument('-lp', '--listenport', dest='listen_port', type=int, default=8080, help='port to listen on') parser.add_argument('-pi', '--proxy-ip', dest='proxy_ip', default=None, help='IP address/host name of proxy') parser.add_argument('-pp', '--proxy-port', dest='proxy_port', type=int, default=1080, help='proxy port', ) parser.add_argument('-pt', '--proxy-type', dest='proxy_type', default='SOCKS5', choices=['SOCKS4', 'SOCKS5', 'HTTP'], type = str.upper, help='proxy type. Options are SOCKS5 (default), SOCKS4, HTTP') parser.add_argument('-om', '--outmodules', dest='out_modules', help='comma-separated list of modules to modify data' + ' before sending to remote target.') parser.add_argument('-im', '--inmodules', dest='in_modules', help='comma-separated list of modules to modify data' + ' received from the remote target.') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', default=False, action='store_true', help='More verbose output of status information') parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-chain', dest='no_chain_modules', action='store_true', default=False, help='Don\'t send output from one module to the ' + 'next one') parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', dest='logfile', default=None, help='Log all data to a file before modules are run.') parser.add_argument('--list', dest='list', action='store_true', help='list available modules') parser.add_argument('-lo', '--list-options', dest='help_modules', default=None, help='Print help of selected module') parser.add_argument('-s', '--ssl', dest='use_ssl', action='store_true', default=False, help='detect SSL/TLS as well as STARTTLS') parser.add_argument('-sc', '--server-certificate', default='mitm.pem', help='server certificate in PEM format (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('-sk', '--server-key', default='mitm.pem', help='server key in PEM format (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('-cc', '--client-certificate', default=None, help='client certificate in PEM format in case client authentication is required by the target') parser.add_argument('-ck', '--client-key', default=None, help='client key in PEM format in case client authentication is required by the target') return parser.parse_args() def generate_module_list(modstring, incoming=False, verbose=False): # This method receives the comma-separated module list, imports the modules # and creates a Module instance for each module. A list of these instances # is then returned. # The incoming parameter is True when the modules belong to the incoming # chain (-im) # modstring looks like mod1,mod2:key=val,mod3:key=val:key2=val2,mod4 ... modlist = [] namelist = modstring.split(',') for n in namelist: name, options = parse_module_options(n) try: __import__('proxymodules.' + name) modlist.append(sys.modules['proxymodules.' + name].Module(incoming, verbose, options)) except ImportError: print('Module %s not found' % name) sys.exit(3) return modlist def parse_module_options(n): # n is of the form module_name:key1=val1:key2=val2 ... # this method returns the module name and a dict with the options n = n.split(':', 1) if len(n) == 1: # no module options present return n[0], None name = n[0] optionlist = n[1].split(':') options = {} for op in optionlist: try: k, v = op.split('=') options[k] = v except ValueError: print(op, ' is not valid!') sys.exit(23) return name, options def list_modules(): # show all available proxy modules cwd = os.getcwd() module_path = cwd + os.sep + 'proxymodules' for _, module, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules([module_path]): __import__('proxymodules.' + module) m = sys.modules['proxymodules.' + module].Module() print(f'{m.name} - {m.description}') def print_module_help(modlist): # parse comma-separated list of module names, print module help text modules = generate_module_list(modlist) for m in modules: try: print(f'{m.name} - {m.description}') print(m.help()) except AttributeError: print('\tNo options or missing help() function.') def update_module_hosts(modules, source, destination): # set source and destination IP/port for each module # source and destination are ('IP', port) tuples # this can only be done once local and remote connections have been established if modules is not None: for m in modules: if hasattr(m, 'source'): m.source = source if hasattr(m, 'destination'): m.destination = destination def receive_from(s): # receive data from a socket until no more data is there b = b"" while True: data = s.recv(4096) b += data if not data or len(data) < 4096: break return b def handle_data(data, modules, dont_chain, incoming, verbose): # execute each active module on the data. If dont_chain is set, feed the # output of one plugin to the following plugin. Not every plugin will # necessarily modify the data, though. for m in modules: vprint(("> > > > in: " if incoming else "< < < < out: ") + m.name, verbose) if dont_chain: m.execute(data) else: data = m.execute(data) return data def is_client_hello(sock): firstbytes = sock.recv(128, socket.MSG_PEEK) return (len(firstbytes) >= 3 and firstbytes[0] == 0x16 and firstbytes[1:3] in [b"\x03\x00", b"\x03\x01", b"\x03\x02", b"\x03\x03", b"\x02\x00"] ) def enable_ssl(args, remote_socket, local_socket): sni = None def sni_callback(sock, name, ctx): nonlocal sni sni = name try: ctx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) ctx.sni_callback = sni_callback ctx.load_cert_chain(certfile=args.server_certificate, keyfile=args.server_key, ) local_socket = ctx.wrap_socket(local_socket, server_side=True, ) except ssl.SSLError as e: print("SSL handshake failed for listening socket", str(e)) raise try: ctx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH) ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE if args.client_certificate and args.client_key: ctx.load_cert_chain(certfile=args.client_certificate, keyfile=args.client_key, ) remote_socket = ctx.wrap_socket(remote_socket, server_hostname=sni, ) except ssl.SSLError as e: print("SSL handshake failed for remote socket", str(e)) raise return [remote_socket, local_socket] def starttls(args, local_socket, read_sockets): return (args.use_ssl and local_socket in read_sockets and not isinstance(local_socket, ssl.SSLSocket) and is_client_hello(local_socket) ) def start_proxy_thread(local_socket, args, in_modules, out_modules): # This method is executed in a thread. It will relay data between the local # host and the remote host, while letting modules work on the data before # passing it on. remote_socket = socks.socksocket() if args.proxy_ip: proxy_types = {'SOCKS5': socks.SOCKS5, 'SOCKS4': socks.SOCKS4, 'HTTP': socks.HTTP} remote_socket.set_proxy(proxy_types[args.proxy_type], args.proxy_ip, args.proxy_port) try: remote_socket.connect((args.target_ip, args.target_port)) vprint('Connected to %s:%d' % remote_socket.getpeername(), args.verbose) log(args.logfile, 'Connected to %s:%d' % remote_socket.getpeername()) except socket.error as serr: if serr.errno == errno.ECONNREFUSED: for s in [remote_socket, local_socket]: s.close() print(f'{time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")}, {args.target_ip}:{args.target_port}- Connection refused') log(args.logfile, f'{time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")}, {args.target_ip}:{args.target_port}- Connection refused') return None elif serr.errno == errno.ETIMEDOUT: for s in [remote_socket, local_socket]: s.close() print(f'{time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")}, {args.target_ip}:{args.target_port}- Connection timed out') log(args.logfile, f'{time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")}, {args.target_ip}:{args.target_port}- Connection timed out') return None else: for s in [remote_socket, local_socket]: s.close() raise serr try: update_module_hosts(out_modules, local_socket.getpeername(), remote_socket.getpeername()) update_module_hosts(in_modules, remote_socket.getpeername(), local_socket.getpeername()) except socket.error as serr: if serr.errno == errno.ENOTCONN: # kind of a blind shot at fixing issue #15 # I don't yet understand how this error can happen, but if it happens I'll just shut down the thread # the connection is not in a useful state anymore for s in [remote_socket, local_socket]: s.close() return None else: for s in [remote_socket, local_socket]: s.close() print(f"{time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')}: Socket exception in start_proxy_thread") raise serr # This loop ends when no more data is received on either the local or the # remote socket running = True while running: read_sockets, _, _ = select.select([remote_socket, local_socket], [], []) if starttls(args, local_socket, read_sockets): try: ssl_sockets = enable_ssl(args, remote_socket, local_socket) remote_socket, local_socket = ssl_sockets vprint("SSL enabled", args.verbose) log(args.logfile, "SSL enabled") except ssl.SSLError as e: print("SSL handshake failed", str(e)) log(args.logfile, "SSL handshake failed", str(e)) break read_sockets, _, _ = select.select(ssl_sockets, [], []) for sock in read_sockets: try: peer = sock.getpeername() except socket.error as serr: if serr.errno == errno.ENOTCONN: # kind of a blind shot at fixing issue #15 # I don't yet understand how this error can happen, but if it happens I'll just shut down the thread # the connection is not in a useful state anymore for s in [remote_socket, local_socket]: s.close() running = False break else: print(f"{time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')}: Socket exception in start_proxy_thread") raise serr data = receive_from(sock) log(args.logfile, 'Received %d bytes' % len(data)) if sock == local_socket: if len(data): log(args.logfile, b'< < < out\n' + data) if out_modules is not None: data = handle_data(data, out_modules, args.no_chain_modules, False, # incoming data? args.verbose) remote_socket.send(data.encode() if isinstance(data, str) else data) else: vprint("Connection from local client %s:%d closed" % peer, args.verbose) log(args.logfile, "Connection from local client %s:%d closed" % peer) remote_socket.close() running = False break elif sock == remote_socket: if len(data): log(args.logfile, b'> > > in\n' + data) if in_modules is not None: data = handle_data(data, in_modules, args.no_chain_modules, True, # incoming data? args.verbose) local_socket.send(data) else: vprint("Connection to remote server %s:%d closed" % peer, args.verbose) log(args.logfile, "Connection to remote server %s:%d closed" % peer) local_socket.close() running = False break def log(handle, message, message_only=False): # if message_only is True, only the message will be logged # otherwise the message will be prefixed with a timestamp and a line is # written after the message to make the log file easier to read if not isinstance(message, bytes): message = bytes(message, 'ascii') if handle is None: return if not message_only: logentry = bytes("%s %s\n" % (time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'), str(time.time())), 'ascii') else: logentry = b'' logentry += message if not message_only: logentry += b'\n' + b'-' * 20 + b'\n' handle.write(logentry) def vprint(msg, is_verbose): # this will print msg, but only if is_verbose is True if is_verbose: print(msg) def main(): args = parse_args() if args.list is False and args.help_modules is None: if not args.target_ip: print('Target IP is required: -ti') sys.exit(6) if not args.target_port: print('Target port is required: -tp') sys.exit(7) if ((args.client_key is None) ^ (args.client_certificate is None)): print("You must either specify both the client certificate and client key or leave both empty") sys.exit(8) if args.logfile is not None: try: args.logfile = open(args.logfile, 'ab', 0) # unbuffered except Exception as ex: print('Error opening logfile') print(ex) sys.exit(4) if args.list: list_modules() sys.exit(0) if args.help_modules is not None: print_module_help(args.help_modules) sys.exit(0) if args.listen_ip != '' and not is_valid_ip4(args.listen_ip): try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(args.listen_ip) except socket.gaierror: ip = False if ip is False: print('%s is not a valid IP address or host name' % args.listen_ip) sys.exit(1) else: args.listen_ip = ip if not is_valid_ip4(args.target_ip): try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(args.target_ip) except socket.gaierror: ip = False if ip is False: print('%s is not a valid IP address or host name' % args.target_ip) sys.exit(2) else: args.target_ip = ip if args.in_modules is not None: in_modules = generate_module_list(args.in_modules, incoming=True, verbose=args.verbose) else: in_modules = None if args.out_modules is not None: out_modules = generate_module_list(args.out_modules, incoming=False, verbose=args.verbose) else: out_modules = None # this is the socket we will listen on for incoming connections proxy_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) proxy_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) try: proxy_socket.bind((args.listen_ip, args.listen_port)) except socket.error as e: print(e.strerror) sys.exit(5) proxy_socket.listen(100) log(args.logfile, str(args)) # endless loop until ctrl+c try: while True: in_socket, in_addrinfo = proxy_socket.accept() vprint('Connection from %s:%d' % in_addrinfo, args.verbose) log(args.logfile, 'Connection from %s:%d' % in_addrinfo) proxy_thread = threading.Thread(target=start_proxy_thread, args=(in_socket, args, in_modules, out_modules)) log(args.logfile, "Starting proxy thread " + proxy_thread.name) proxy_thread.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: log(args.logfile, 'Ctrl+C detected, exiting...') print('\nCtrl+C detected, exiting...') sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()